Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 9th April 2022

Saturday feels strange; no early morning visit from a carer - it would have been K today - and part of me misses it. The carers are a big part of our daily life and keep me on my toes with their cheeky banter.  Today is also the next stage in the gathering of the clans as son #1 is due to return at some point (time TBC, maybe!)

First off I get a wash load on so that I'm achieving something whilst out shopping. I fear I'll be doing several loads today.

A shopping trip with a difference to start the day; this week I'm accompanied by son #3 for the first time in quite a while.  Whilst in the car (on the way there and the way back) I have a call with Q, which brightens an already bright morning.

Shopping over we eat breakfast together, after which it's time for more washing.

Once the second load is hung out and the third started I head off to pick son #1's meds, get my car washed and, maybe, get fuel.  Whilst at the shops I visit friends who are collecting food for local charities, and make a donation.  They all do such great work. Much love.

After getting my car washed I can't be arsed to get fuel as I have lots to do this afternoon, including a call with a friend in Berlin and, most likely, another with my younger sister.

Great catch up with M in Berlin, bookended by me rustling up some semblance of lunch.  There really hasn't been time to stop and make lunch properly, no worries though, as I could do with skipping a meal or six.

Managed to fit in a call will my kid sister.  Lots to talk about and she's off out to a soul night in town with friends.  I hope she has a great evening, she deserves one!

Still no sign of son #1 but he is definitely up and about!

I should have been seeing Killing Joke at the Hammersmith Apollo tonight, but the closeness to the holiday and the fact I really don't want to risk getting Covid means that, reluctantly, I am not going.

Curry night tonight and son #3 and I make it and, yet again, watch another WILTY before I head up for a chat with Q.  She's tired and off to bed early.

Son #1 is on the last train to Clarksville. Oh no, no, no! He's actually on the last train out of Birmingham and will arrive here when I am in the land of nod, though I'm sure I'll feel his presence when he gets in.

Right now I'm feeling the need for speed. Nope wrong. I'm feeling the need for sleep and that is just what these boots are gonna do.

Big Miz / 'Fools Mate' / (Single)



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