Tales From The Crypt - Friday 8th April 2021

Started work early as today is going to be punctuated by E going into a care home for respite. I'll be following in the car bringing all sorts of vital things over. But first, work...

I had a chat with E to make sure she heard from me what was going to happen. I don't know if she understood me, but I hope so.  It's really difficult to explain that you are sending your wife into a care home so you can go on holiday and enjoy yourself. Saying it provokes huge feelings of guilt in me as it just shouldn't be this way. But it is. This does not compute.

Eleven o'clock comes and goes and the carers come to do an extra call to prepare E for the ambulance ride, which is really helpful.  They leave and I carry on working. !2:30 passes, still no sign.  In an exchange with a friend, I'm told she's seen the PTS ambulance, but still no sign.  I go upstairs for something and notice an ambulance parked on the main road nearby. This is strange. I decide to go outside and speak to them. They are here for E except they've been told the pick-up is at 2:30 not 11:00.  Once I've spoken to them they come around and the process begins at last!

E is in the ambulance and I follow in my car.  It's been a very stressful morning what with one thing and another but at least E is safely installed in the home with all her stuff.

Back home and straight back into work.

The afternoon is punctuated by 4 or 5 calls from the care home.  I wrote everything down, documented every part of the process and still there are questions!  I don't mind, though. The most important thing is that E is safe and cared for.

I spoke too soon earlier!  Not quite 'all her stuff'!  I forgot the mains lead / power supply for the feed pump. A call from the home means I'm back in my car driving over again. I'm glad E goes in a few days before we go away. It gives her a chance to settle in and questions to be answered / resolved as they arise.

Back to work. I need to carry on as there are things I need to finish before I go on leave.

Work is now over, at last, and I can put my laptop and other work-related shizz away for a week. 

My mind is still plagued by feelings of guilt.  Part of me feels like I am abandoning E and I don't like it. We need a break but it comes at the price of E going into a home. No matter how good the staff are, I know she won't be looked after as well as she is here.  It is just an impossible situation. Life must go on, somehow.

Enough of that. Got to get on with packing then making dinner.  I had hoped I'd find time to listen to music as I received Wet Leg's debut album and the second volume of 'Dreadzone Presents Dubwiser', both released today.

Despite son #2 indicating he would be doing / starting dinner, I have to do it, otherwise we'll be lucky if we eat before the witching hour. (I exaggerate for comic effect...but not by much!)

Son #3 returns while I'm getting dinner under way and then son #2 takes over the rest of the vegetables.  As has become customary this week, son #3 and I eat together while watching yet another WILTY.

Off upstairs for another chat with Q. The holiday is almost within our grasp.  Q is very tired and has to be up early tomorrow so I try and stop myself talking her to sleep. As if! 

Horace Andy / 'This Must Be Hell' / 'Midnight Rocker'



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