Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 6th April 2022

What have I been doing today?  Oh, yes, work!  It is crazy busy at the moment both work-wise and trying to organise a holiday and respite for E. Things seem like they are coming together, though I guess I won't believe it fully until we're on our way.  Getting E settled in the nursing home on Friday will be the first major hurdle passed.




Luckily my day has been enlivened with chats and messaging with Q, which compensates for most things.

Again I am lucky to have such wonderful friends and E's and my meds have been arranged with perfect timing, and, specifically mine have been delivered this evening by someone who has been wonderful to us. I could try and say how much this means to me, but I don't think there are adequate words. Thank you very much, will have to do for now.

Usual Wednesday evening dinner and bin fun, with lashings of wind and rain.  Of course this is spring, so what else should I expect?

Son #3 and I ate dinner together. Son #2 is having dinner, virtually, with his gf who is far, far away. Son #3 is growing up to be a very sensible but fun young man. Even though he does refer to me as a 'boomer' on occasions. I guess no one is perfect. I forgive him.

WILTY, pizza and bins before bedtime (but no tears) then my final call of the day with Q. What do we find time to talk about? Wouldn't you like to know. I know if I told you that I do most of the talking until Q is about to fall asleep you wouldn't believe me.  After our chat I get ready for bed and sleep too. Or is it sleep three?

The Smile / 'The Smoke' (Dennis Bovell RMX) / Single

[[Dennis Bovell is the king!  Bring the bass...]]


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