Tales From The Crypt - Monday 25th April 2022

Unusually this looks like it'll turn out to be a Monday with not much to say.  It is my non-working day and my intention is to have a relaxing day for a change. There is washing to do, but it can wait.

After lunch, my plans go awry as I'm feeling a little off-colour, and so instead of reading the papers I have a rest and try and complete Wordle, Quordle and Octordle, off and on.

As always seems to be the way, the day evaporates and it's time to make dinner with son #3.

Dinner made, we settle down to watch some of the previous series (series 12) of 'Doctor Who', starting more or less at the beginning.

The usual end of day activities brings me to sleep, ready for work again tomorrow.

Prince Jammy / 'Conspiracy On Neptune' / 'Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders...'



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