Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 28th April 2022

Today I'll be recording my first album of dub techno, attending a movie premiere in the evening and celebrating at the after-party once we've had a 5-course meal with wines accompanying each course.  

At least some of the above is untrue (maybe all?), but I was getting bored of saying I was working all day. Which of course I am. Pig's bum, and all that.

I should find the time to unleash my mind into full creative wordsmith mode, but I don't have that luxury at the moment. Besides, doing is better than writing about it. That from someone who loves worms.

What can I say about today? What is permissible? Well, further updates from Costa Rica, natch. It looks wonderful, and who doesn't like a sloth, after all?

What more can I say about today, other than it ended in the usual way, more or less, but with added jouissance.

Halsey / 'I Am Not A Woman, I'm A God' / 'If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power'



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