Tales From The Crypt - Tuesday 5th July 2022

Woke up after what seemed to have been a broken/disturbed night, and this feeling is confirmed by my watch. Smart, huh?

Son #3 is helping out at his uni's graduation ceremony (paid work, natch), and has already left. He was meant to be there by 6:45 a.m. but the taxi firm he booked with let him down overnight, so he's taken the bus but will be late. I've offered to take him tomorrow.

After the carer left and before making my breakfast, I had quick chat with Q. She's beginning to sound better, so hopefully, she is turning the tide on the virus. 

This morning's shower has convinced me of one thing: there is a wasp's nest somewhere outside the window.  I need to sort it out today.

First, though, work, starting the day with a team (virtual) huddle.

I have four urgent tasks outside work to organise, including arranging for someone to get rid of the wasps! Success! Each phone call has resulted in the required outcome and, best of all, the man is coming to deal with the wasps this afternoon.

Back to work!

As son #2 and I were making lunch, the man arrived to deal with the wasp's nest. The first step is to find where the nest is.  Interestingly it appears they have made a home inside an overflow pipe, so the next step was to enter the loft (very carefully) to make sure the overflow isn't connected to the water supply (a serious no-no!) I told him I was 99% certain it wasn't connected to the water tank since I know where the outflow from that is. Nevertheless, he checked, which was the right thing to do.  He confirmed as I suspected, that it was an overflow from the extractor fan in the shower.  There is one downside to this; when he injects the powder into the overflow (very carefully chosen words) it will be heading straight towards the en-suite. He suggests we have the extractor fan on while he does it and then I should leave the fan running for a few hours. Though the insecticide is not harmful to humans (he says!) it seems like a good idea to try not to breathe it in. 

I watch as he ascends the ladder in protective gear and then sprays the powder into the pipe.  Blimey! The wasps don't like it - a very large number (hard to count as they don't stay still) fly out of the pipe, maybe 50 or 60.  Job done!  He says he'll drop by later just to check they are all gone. Very thorough!

I'm meant to be on a call, which I join late with video off - no one wants to see (or hear) me eating my lunch.

After the call, I can't resist a quick trip outside to see if the wasps have gone.  Not a single one. Good news.  I also decide to check the shower to see if I can detect the powder in the air.  I think I can smell something, but it may be my imagination. Either way, I leave the fan on. It's nice to have a fan.

Work is interrupted by the delivery of 'Annotations To James Joyce's Ulysses' by Sam Slote et al. and I can't resist opening the package. I am too excited. It is even better than I expected and should provide hours of fun, if you like that sort of thing! (Nerd!)

Despite wanting to be immersed in the book, I return to work, though the book is still visible out the corner of my eye, with the preserved door of 7 Eccles Street, Dublin the focus of my intermittent attention.

After work another catch-up with Q, who is sounding better, though far from well. 

Dinner is late tonight as son #2 is making tacos from ingredients bought back from Costa Rica, with accompaniments like savoury plantain chips and fiery crisps.  It was a great dinner and made a change.

Next upstairs for a chat, a poem, reading (I am reading two books at once again - not done that for quite a while), music and sleep.

Lava La Rue / 'Hi-Fidelity' Ft. Biig Piig / 'Hi-Fidelity' (EP)

[[This didn't seem to hit the spot for the guests on a recent Roundtable, but it's growing on me. Love the bit where it slows down.]]


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