Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 2nd July 2022

A return to Saturdays of 'old': at home; up early for the first carer; planning to go to the shops; hoping to read the papers and generally chill.

The odd thing is, I have loads of things I could do, but not a lot of motivation to do any of them. Go figure! I have books to read. I have magazines to read. I have Glastonbury to watch. Tons. Films. Albums. You name it.  I do feel tired, so maybe that's it.

Spoke to Q after shopping and before the carers arrived. She is testing solidly positive for Covid and still feeling febrile.  Fingers crossed. Sending positive vibes southwards.

Listening to Radcliffe & Maconie on BBC6 Music and, for the first time, I decide to take part in The Chain, which is "officially the longest-running listener-generated thematically linked sequence of musically based items on the radio". I've emailed my song suggestion in, but will I be phoned tomorrow? 

Son #3 is heading up the smoke with some uni mates to attend a live Rocket League tournament.  Around lunchtime, I'll be taking son #2 to the station to join son #1 and some mates in Plymouth to celebrate the end of uni for one of them. I imagine that may get messy.

Already lunchtime and haven't done much - and now it's time to head to the station. 

Said goodbye to son #2 and then headed back to being home alone, almost.  Setting up the paint cans after I've eaten lunch.

Turns out there's no need for traps, so I make a coffee and settle down to read the papers.  Not a lot in the arts and culture sections today, or at least not a lot that interests me.  Hard to please, that's me!

At some point in the early evening, I have another call with Q, who's sounding worse and has even more symptoms than yesterday.   It doesn't seem that this fits into the 'no worse than a cold' that has been reported.  I wish there was something I could do to help.

After our chat, I start making my dinner having decided that I just want to watch something that demands nothing of me. I've opted for a film I've seen before, namely 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'.  Great fun, if a little unbelievable at times. Still loved it, though.

A final call with Q before Seamus Heaney, Iain Sinclair and sleep.

Gabe Gurnsey / 'Push' / (Single)

[[Heard this on the radio this morning and loved it]]


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