Tales From The Crypt - Friday 1st July 2022

The most important question today is 'how is Q feeling?' and sadly the answer's not good. Based on her symptoms and LFT, she does have Covid.  We have a discussion about our weekend plans and it's clear I don't have any choice; I can't afford to risk catching Covid for E's sake.  I am torn, naturally, but the right thing is the right thing.  This is where everything about the situation collapses down into one single point, an ethical singularity. It's like some kind of quantum moment where both choices exist, but only one can be taken.

Work is today's priority, along with my visit to the physio later. Before either of those, I have to make an urgent trip to the shops to ensure that I have dinner tonight.

Returned with dinner and coffee and get stuck in.

All the usual minor interruptions today until 1:30 p.m. when I take my right leg to the physio. It was accompanied by the left one and the rest of me, just to be clear. I didn't have it in a bag or anything. I think the physio is good, but that may be too big a task.

Home now after a thorough examination of my leg and knee.  He couldn't find anything wrong and said it's not arthritis (I should think not!), but he has given me a list of exercises I probably won't find time to do. Better try.  At least a couple can be done whilst sitting at a desk.

Early evening son #1 heads for Plymouth with some mates. Son #2 will be following tomorrow.

Work ends around 6 p.m. when I start to feel I've had enough. It is Friday after all.

I try and post a ripped video of Supergrass at Glasto on social media, but apparently, it breaks copyright, which means I can keep it up there but minus over a minute of sound.  What's the point of that? I have to content myself with 'Alright' instead, which is alright, I suppose. I fought the law (momentarily) and the law won.

Throughout the day I've kept in touch with Q, though she has been sleeping for much of the day and still has quite a fever. 

Time for a bit more Glasto (so much to watch!), this time with Robert Plant & Alison Krauss on the agenda.  I watch them mainly out of curiosity as everyone has raved about their new album, but most of the stuff I've heard is in the Americana / Country area, two genres that mostly (like all things, there are exceptions) leave me cold. Just don't get the appeal. So far they've covered one Led Zep number, which was a bit 'meh' and I believe they cover another later in the set.  Nevertheless, there was one number which caught my attention and you'll probably find it below.

I cook dinner - a prawn stir-fry - and, for a change, cook the prawns separately, which tastes even better than usual. Son #2 joins me for dinner and we watch episode 1 of 'Big Boys' (the second time for me), which makes me laugh still. 

I chatted with Q earlier, so bedtime is about reading and music.  Another evening of wine, women and song comes to a close. Two out of three ain't bad, as they say. 

Robert Plant & Alison Krauss / 'The Price Of Love' / 'Raise The Roof'



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