Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th July 2022

I started writing Wednesday's post then lost momentum. Hence another combined post. 

Wednesday was a chilled day at Q's house: while she worked I caught up on the last two weeks of weekend papers.  I also listened to music on BBC Sounds in search of the lost chord.

I called the hospital for an update, hoping to speak to the consultant who'd just started her round.  I was promised she'd call once she'd seen E and, as promised, she did.  The news is mixed. On the plus side, E has stabilised and is very comfortable. Set against that, no one really seems to know what's going on.  The consultant said, 'I wouldn't be surprised if she died overnight and, equally, I wouldn't be surprised if she was alive a week from now.'  Not really what I wanted to hear, but as has been the case for a long time, life doesn't follow a certain path.  Control is an illusion. Uncertainty is the only certainty.

Q and I went out for an early evening Lebanese meal. The food was excellent from the grilled Halloumi start, followed by the Lamb shish and concluding with the homemade pistachio ice cream.  I also drank my first non-alcoholic mojito, and it was good. Great meal. Great conversation. Wonderful company.

My brief escape from reality was set to end on Thursday and I made the most of my last few hours before heading north around midday. The journey home was enlivened by hearing the whole of Grace Jones' 1981 album 'Nightclubbing' on BBC 6Music. It really is an album of variety and slinky, sinuous sensuality. 

I spoke to the doctor and staff nurse looking after E and she does indeed seem to have reached a plateau, so much so that they have taken her off the palliative care meds for now.  To say that I am confused, stressed and more would be an understatement.

There's a lot I'm processing right now and it means I'm not sleeping well, or at least I don't wake feeling like I've actually slept though my watch says I have. (Not much of it is deep sleep, and I suspect that is the problem.)  I seem to feel tired all day as a consequence, not to mention a brain of fluff.

In the early evening, there's another Idler lock-in amongst a small group of friends (10 or so, roughly) for a couple of hours over Zoom. We're spread across the UK, with one of our merry band residing in California. Were it not for Covid I would have met most of them in early July, but it was not to be.  I will try and go again next year. Perhaps some of us will meet before then? 👌 Our chats are so free and open and everyone is very supportive. There is much love among us.

Son #2 kindly made dinner, though I ended up eating alone for various reasons. Whilst I ate I watched most of a fascinating documentary on Robert Plant. 

Bed by way of a phone chat with Q.

Shadow Community / 'The Restless Song' / (Single)

[[What a great name for a band! I know next to nothing about Shadow Community, other than that ever since I first heard this song I have loved it. It's hard to categorise, but it touches something within.]]


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