Tales From The Crypt - Monday 4th July 2022

The weather seems OK, so it's the perfect day for...washing. What else?  I didn't do any at the weekend and knew that when the boys came home from their weekend away, there'd be more to do. Hence...

Spoke to Q early on. It appears that she's got the winning card for Covid symptom bingo, pretty much the full set now.  I don't think there's a prize, though, sadly!

Walked to the post box and my knee was much better this morning, a good sign, I hope.  Better carry on with the exercises the physio gave me.

Probably not going to write much today, you'll be pleased to hear.  

The post today contained my copy of the 'James Joyce Broadsheet' published by the School of English at Leeds University.  The front page contained a review of this book:

This appears to be the definitive 'annotations', published especially for this centenary year.  I have ordered a copy, since, though expensive, it will go out of print very quickly, and then the price will go through the roof.  I am justifying this purchase as, though it's yet another book, it allows me to dispose of three books since it supersedes both Don Gifford's book (I have two editions of this) and Weldon Thornton's book. This means my collection is reduced by two. The book cull is working! I shall try and sell the other three books as academic works on Joyce tend to fetch good money, though on the downside these are relatively easy to get, unlike many of the books I have on 'Finnegans Wake'. Which reminds me...

The community matron arrived to change E's catheter, asked him a couple of questions about her meds post-hospital discharge and then he was on his.

After lunch I and a quick chat with Q, I then spoke for an hour or so with a friend in Berlin.  He and his wife are both recovering from a bad Covid infection.  It seems to be all the rage at the moment. Had a general catch-up with the merest hint of a possible UK visit this year. 

Read a bit of a new book called 'Decision Time', which is fascinating so far.

Called my big sister 'oop north' for a chin wag.  Talked about a whole host of things happening in my life and caught up with what's going on and her plans for her husband's upcoming 80th birthday.

Another longer chat with Q, as the game is afoot and there is much to talk about. 'Ch-ch-changes/(Turn and face the strain)'

Not to be outdone, I arrange a call with my younger sister, giving me a win at sister bingo! House!  (I do have an unfair advantage I guess, given I have just two sisters. I am the rose between two...or have I got that the wrong way around?)

Once I have dinner underway, sister number 2 and I talk.  We have a good catch-up covering a whole range of things, including music, unusually. Historically our taste in music differs a great deal, and boy could I tell some tales! Bay City Rollers! Pah!  Anyway, enough of this rivalry. She was surprised to discover that we both like Khruangbin, which I was pleased to hear, especially as they are very much at the psychedelic end of the spectrum. Perhaps there is hope for her yet 😇😂😂😂

Ate dinner with son #3 and watched the second episode of 'Big Boys' which is very funny.  I watched it in two halves (there is an ad break anyway!) as Q has retired to bed feeling exhausted, so we have a chat before she sleeps. She has now officially ticked off all the symptoms for Covid. House!! I hope she starts feeling better soon as I know this is tough going for her. It's not good being miles away.

Son #1 emerged after we'd watched the end of 'Big Boys' and we watched a rather disturbing documentary on BBC Four about Porton Down and the development of chemical and biological weapons.  Chilling stuff.

To bed and sleep via word games, books, a poem and music.

Helms Alee / 'Tripping Up The Stairs' / 'Keep This Be The Way'

[[Something noisy for a change!]]


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