Tales From The Crypt - Monday 18th July 2022

Still testing COVID positive. Still feeling drained of energy and thinking power.

E remains in hospital and the latest update isn't good.  I asked to speak to a doctor for an update on the situation and am told they do want to speak to me.  Whatever the outcome, I have an outpatient appointment at the hospital tomorrow and will go and see E and ask to see a doctor face to face. I need to understand where things are going, to put my mind at rest. I think I have made peace with myself and am ready to deal with the worst if that's what is coming.

Son #2 departed early morning for Heathrow to meet his gf's plane. She's coming with a girlfriend from Costa Rica via Denver.  I should get to meet her (in person) at the weekend.  Today is not the best of days to be travelling into London.

The day passes in the usual way, though no call from a hospital doctor comes. Until tomorrow, then, I guess.

R.E.M. / 'Everybody Hurts' / 'Automatic For The People'

[[This is one of E's favourite songs and one which both like. Not a total rarity, but equally not that common.  It is worryingly appropriate, I fear.]]


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