Lockdown Diary - Saturday 27th March 2021

Did all the usual Saturday morning things, with son #3 accompanying me shopping.

Diversions, diversions.  The day started quite sunny and so I hung the washing out, though as the loads progressed the amount of sun reduced until there was none. Only the wind, given the temperature was nothing to write home about, was making any inroads into drying said washing.

Whilst meditating late morning, I was disturbed by what sounded like the piston engines of a heavy-ish propeller plane. Sure enough when I looked out of the window there was a Dakota in D-Day RAF markings heading south-east.  It's a rare sound these days, so I had to look but as it disappeared from view, but then returned to meditation.

During a conversation with a friend I discovered it had come from White Waltham and a quick bit of research on the net showed that it had departed White Waltham that morning (in the company of another) en-route to Lydd airfield in Kent.

Around lunchtime I had a call from my father-in-law, the first since his wife's funeral, and we had a brief chat though he didn't really know what to say and is still clearly very upset. I shall speak to him again over Easter.

Final washing load hung out I wrote an email to my brother-in-law about the funeral. We have agreed to keep this channel of communication open, as after my wife became ill there was a severing of ties between her and her brother.  Families!

Later in the afternoon another friend got in contact online and we arranged to have a call after I'd brought the washing in.  We had a good catch-up, before we were interrupted by the arrival of the evening carers for their final visit of the day.  We'll probably have another call again soon, to finish the conversation we were having.

I couldn't bring myself to read the papers as my level of concentration is still too low but I did manage to listen to some music, though my heart wasn't in it, apart from a couple of songs that fit with the prevailing wind.

I started making dinner ahead of film night, with the choice being mine. I was choosing from amongst four films and opted for 'Electra Glide in Blue' which is suitably dark.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the film: it is a story well told with some great visuals of the Arizona landscape, though oddly for a film of its time (also given the involvement of members of the band Chicago) music doesn't feature that strongly, until the closing sequence, which has one of the most memorable closing movie shots over which a song is sung. Though the film comes at life from a different direction, it has some things in common with 'Easy Rider' (another great film): with 'Electra Glide...' coming from a police and the establishment perspective, versus the counterculture perspective in 'Easy Rider'.  

To sleep, less one hour.

Killing Joke / 'This World Hell' / 'Absolute Dissent'



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