Lockdown Diary - Monday 8th March 2021

'Oh, baby, I'm dreaming of Monday'

Well, here it is then.  Chatting with first carer of the day a little after 7 a.m. After she leaves, I get showered, dressed and eat my porridge.

As everyone knows, you can never get enough washing. Never a day goes by without me thinking: 'Is there anything I can wash?' Today the answer is emphatically 'YES!' A fuck-ton (s.i. unit, in case you were wondering) of bed linen. My heart is ablaze.

Despite the excitement of washing, I somehow manage to tear myself away to finish the papers, and read some more of the book club novel, 'Potiki'.

At lunchtime the self-same carer says she hung washing outside and so, not to be outdone, I do the same, with brass knobs on.

Late afternoon son #2 is ready to go for a walk (it's almost 5 p.m. but still light), so I bring the washing in (three loads!) and resolve to decide what needs further drying after we return from our walk.  At times I wonder how manage to sustain these levels of excitement without having palpitations. (Cue Kenneth Williams saying, 'Ooh Matron!')

Son #2 wants to make dinner alone tonight, it's a fairly simple recipe, chorizo and butter bean stew.

Unwelcome news and 'Mr. Robot'.  Stew was really enjoyable for such a simple recipe.

I retire for the release of sleep, crests having fallen, to say the least.

Boogarins 'Far and Safe (feat. Erika Wennerstrom)', from the forthcoming Boogarins album 'Manchaca Vol. 2 (A Compilation of Boogarins Memories Dreams Demos and Outtakes from Austin, TX)'



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