Lockdown Diary - Monday 15th March 2021

Just about dragged myself out of bed in time for the first carer visit of the day.  We have a chat about this and that, mainly that, and she gives her usual brutally direct opinion, which I always welcome. I always find a way to have nuanced approaches to things, maybe cutting people way more slack than they deserve, but I always try and see things from the other side, it's just the way I am. It often leads to me getting kicked in the proverbial bollocks (as opposed to the actual ones, though I'm still not sure which is worse in the long run), as other people often don't have any qualms, full stop. The end.

I don't exactly know how my morning was spent, other than it was. It went. Guess I was writing some stuff, though not here, doing the final bits of organising for Thursday's funeral, probably trying to distract myself from other things poking me in the brain cell at every opportunity when I'm not looking.

After lunch I made a concerted effort to read some more of the book club book and managed to make some progress, despite my brain insisting on reminding me of things that I was trying to background. Wrote some things down and got back to the book. 

If music be the food of love, then that's probably why I'm not really listening to any at the moment.

Son #2, with help from son #3, made dinner tonight, my assistance being minimal, meaning that I got on with some other household tasks instead. 

Dinner, 'Mr. Robot', sleep at last.

Anna von Hausswolff / 'Come wander with me / Deliverance' / 'The Miraculous'



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