Lockdown Diary - Monday 22nd March 2021

The usual early morning carer is on leave this week and so I was somewhat surprised to have to wake up and get out of bed at twenty to seven in the morning. One of the other carers, who has never done the early round before and so started much earlier because she wasn't sure how long it would take, had arrived at the front door and rung the bell. I think it's going to be an interesting week!

My non-working day, something of a mixed blessing of late, but I decided to try and keep myself busy with stuff...

...starting with changing my bed and washing all the linen. This gave me an opportunity to switch to the 'summer' duvet in honour of the Spring / Vernal equinox on Saturday morning (20th March).  I decided to air both the 'winter' and 'summer' duvets outside.  I'm not sure what good it will do, but I imagine it might in some way, so I've done it. Three washes later and all the linen - plus some of son #3s - is hanging outside in sun.

The morning over, I did my usual meditation before making lunch with sons 2 and 3.  

I've been neglecting my online courses and so decided to revisit the 'History of London' course I started a while ago. I'm on the third lesson (out of seven), which is about Shakespearian London (the late 1500s / early 1600s for those used to the 24-hour clock).  An hour well-spent, with the usual interruptions, of course.

The remains of the day were rather more fragmented as I struggle to find focus and distraction. I had planned to read the book club book and also listen to music, but in the end I wasn't able to summon the necessary level of concentration to do any of it. The day just frittered away, broken up into fragments like taking the lamb out of the fridge (baa!) an hour before it needed cooking (shearing it first), then putting it in the oven to slow cook for three hours or thereabouts (Carry On).

Disjecta membra

When dinner was served we all watched another 'Narcos: Mexico' episode. As you do.

Le fin.

A.A.Williams / 'Every Day Is Exactly The Same' / 'Songs From Isolation'



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