Lockdown Diary - Saturday 13th March 2021

Started the day chatting to the first carer, in her capacity as surrogate Virginia Ironside, though much younger and also far more likely to take the piss. Which, of course, is good.

After shopping, son #1 and I were talking about my wife's decline from when she was diagnosed with MS back in 2009, to where things are now. Sometimes it's good to talk things over even if you cannot change anything, except maybe what you think and feel. Not necessarily the ideal thing for me to talk about right now, but it's important for the boys to talk about things when they need to, and there's only me, so there it is. 

All the usual BS follows and once the washing is underway, I contact the funeral directors to discuss flowers for next week's funeral, followed by a call to a local (to the funeral) florists.  Flowers eventually identified and paid for with only the words to finalise.  I've already written the words, at least the first draft, I just need to share with the boys and see if they're happy with them, before I share them with the florist on Monday.  Words. Never short of them, for all the good they sometimes do (0).

I rang my mother-in-law as I didn't hear from her last week, and wanted to check she was OK.  Apparently she was watching a film bout the Von Trapp family and had planned to call me after it finished.  Reckon I did her a favour by calling when I did.  Usual stuff, though she did remark on how much she liked the Mother's Day card I'd picked for her. Result. Or at least a tiny result in the grand scheme of unending misery that is called life.

Time passes, though I don't seem to manage to get anything done other than chores. Didn't start the papers. Didn't read anything. Didn't listen to any music, other, I guess, than to have to have 'Freak Zone' on in the background whilst I did stuff. Music on the radio is one of the few times I can have music in the background: it's either playing something I already know, or something that doesn't move me in any way, occasionally making me stop in my tracks when it's something special. 'Freak Zone' tends to surface more things of interest than most music programmes.

I start the dinner at around half seven, and son #1 has not yet re-emerged after going back to bed post our chat this morning.

Owing to the late emergence of son #1, son #3 chooses tonight's film which is a animated film, 'Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse'. Open minds, open minds.

The Spiderman film was OK, certainly better than I expected, with some very psychedelic animations as well as a fun plot with interesting dialogue and music.  I don't think I'd watch it again, but it was entertaining.

Thankful for small mercies, it's time for sleep. I haven't felt in the mood to read before sleeping for several days now, not wishing to prolong the waking time any more than I have to.

Pixies / 'Dead' / 'Doolittle'



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