Lockdown Diary - Friday 12th March 2021

Not much to say, really.

Work dominates the day, though the usual things happen to punctuate periods of listening, watching, absorbing, note-taking, questioning, and writing.

Peak excitement came when the hospital called about my forthcoming (unless it comes fifth after a photo-finish) operation. The question is do I want to follow the 'green path' or the 'green plus path'? There isn't a black one or a left-hand one, so after a little explanation I confirm I'll be following the 'green path' in the two weeks prior to my triple incision: it would literally be impossible to follow the 'green plus path', given how life is in this house.

After that, you may be surprised, back for more work.

As the working day comes to a close I realise I need to send a couple of urgent-ish emails regarding my benefits choice for the year 2021-2022 and actually start planning what I'm going to go for. Time is running out and I always seem to delay doing these non-client work items until the last moment. This year I'll try and do better.

Slow-cooker beef goulash for dinner tonight, which son #2 and I knocked up at lunchtime and left cooking whilst Rome burned.

Still finding that the best hours of the day are those when I'm asleep: it's a real struggle distracting my mind and maintaining focus during the hours spent awake.  Reading is off and so is listening to music.

Goulash and Spud. 'Mr. Robot'. Copious amounts of alcohol, but still not enough.  Sleep awaits and it can't come soon enough, but probably won't last long enough.

Inhabiting a territory not a million miles from Sunn O))), though certainly separated by a genre or two, Chelsea Wolfe's album 'Abyss' is a fine one for un-anchored times.  Chelsea has publicly spoken of her sleep disorders, most notably, sleep paralysis, and the album is partly an exploration of that.  'Dragged Out' is the track I am always drawn to.



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