Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 13th February 2023

A busy Monday ahead with a mix of chores, admin, work (on my non-working day 😇😕), course reading and TV watching.

Chores are underway and a couple of vital (hush, hush things) are done. I'm finally going to sit down and watch the last one and a half episodes of 'Happy Valley'.

A brief interruption when the carers make their lunchtime call, but now I've finished 'Happy Valley'.  It was a really good series with a dramatic and thought-provoking ending.

To ensure that I've read episodes 2 and 5 of 'Ulysses' in time for Wednesday's seminar/discussion, I'm reading them next.  It should also give me time to research things that need it (famous last words!)

Filing. That's another thing I need to do today.  So much paperwork arrives regarding E's care and supplies that no matter how much I tell myself I'll deal with it as it arrives, I don't.  It would be a good habit to develop.

The good thing about filing is that I can listen to the radio (BBC Sounds, at least) while I'm doing it, just in case a new song pops up and I need to take note. 

Filing is done. Next.

My next task is to read the papers, or finish reading them, though I don't think I'll manage it by the end of the day.

E seems to have been very stable for the past few weeks.  Still some bouts of coughing, but less than before he hospital stay late last year. There are pros and cons of this, nevertheless we are all in the hands of nature.

Dinner tonight is lasagne, previously made by Q, shared amongst four of us, as I've been asked if son #1's gf can stay another night (trains are screwed up) and have said yes.  

While we ate, we finished the final two episodes of 'Am I Being Unreasonable?', which were pretty strange, especially the last one. There is going to be a second series, I'm told. 

Time for bed, after a very full and busy day.  Tomorrow will be even busier!

Fairport Convention / 'Who Knows Where The Time Goes' / 'Unhalfbricking'

[[Not a band I'd have imagined that would appear here, but nonetheless here they are.  Turns out I'm probably the last person on earth to hear this, but, hey, whatever! I may even have to listen to the whole album.]]


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