Tales From The Crypt - Thursday 3rd February 2022

Thursday begins early as usual, but with the added excitement of a visit to the nurse for a blood test, primarily, as I understand it, to check if I have a vitamin B12, iron, or folic acid deficiency. (I know I don't have an iron deficiency as I'll be using it on some jeans (genes?) later. Sorry. I'll get my coat)

Blood bottled up and ready to go off to the lab, I head for home and work, via the essential coffee stop.

It's a very busy day for meetings at work and consequently the usual applies. I am due to be heading off for the south coast this evening, after the Idler drinks with Professor David Nutt talking about the 'real science of cannabis and health'.

Mid-afternoon it looks as if our plans for the weekend are in doubt.  I await news with anticipation and have already formulated a plan B. 

Plan A is on!  There's a slight alteration, which means I'll not be able to attend the Idler drinks tonight, so I guess I'll need to find time to watch the recording at a later date.  Either way I was going to miss out on the post-talk chat, so I'll send an email to the Idler rogues to let them know I'll not be there!

Once work is over I return to packing for the long weekend - I am working tomorrow just from an alternate home location. First stop a gym to pick up my friend after her aqua class.

Dinner followed by bed and sleep

Mandy, Indiana / 'Alien 3' / (Single)

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