Lockdown Diary - Monday 9th November 2020

A busier than normal Monday - on top of yoga and guided meditation I'm also going for a walk with a school friend and have a phone consultation with my hospital consultant later in the afternoon.

The morning is over before I know it and I'm getting ready for the walk. Meeting at the aviation museum at 12:30 so I need to get organised.

Despite being rainy earlier in the morning, the rain held off for the walk around Dinton Pastures and, at least until the final leg of the walk felt mild too. The air away from the lakes was noticeably cooler, as you would expect. We managed to find parts of Dinton Pastures that I've never visited before, even though I've lost count of how many times I've walked there.  It was an enjoyable walk in good company, making the most of my non-working day.

The walk was timed to fit in with a call with the urology consultant, which, however, turned out to be a mix up. The meeting was booking to be a face-to-face outpatient appointment, but when I called on Friday to check it was still going ahead (normally I get a text reminder saying you shouldn't miss the appointment beforehand) the admin person said that all the other appointments were calls, so she expected mine to be a call as well and I should not turn up.  She seemed a little uncertain so I suggested they call me this morning if it was actually meant to be face to face.  To cut a long story short, I spoke to the consultant, he was pleased with what I told him but agreed I'd come in for a test before Christmas and he'd schedule a follow-up next year, any way. It's a bit annoying as I'd rather have had the appointment today to get it out the way, but I guess mistakes happen.

After that I didn't really make the most of the rest of the afternoon as  I still seem to be struggling with my motivation, at the very least.

I had a call with my younger sister about what's going in our lives (or not as the case may be), and it was good to catch up, though it would be better if we could do so face to face.  Though she works at the hospital she is now being asked to work some of the week from home, I guess to reduce the risk of people catching the coronavirus in this current upsurge.

Tonight is Sci-Fi book club meet but through a combination of not having read the book ('The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde', which I have read, many years ago) and lack of motivation, I've decided to give it a miss. I'm struggling to read the main book club book as it is, not that it's a bad book, rather that I'm not enjoying reading - I can't seem to concentrate.

The evening arrives and somehow I have to kick start myself into cooking dinner mode. Son #2 and I prepare vegetables together and get the dinner underway.

Watched the third episode of 'The Last Wave' which continues to be interesting and compelling enough to want to know what happens next. The interpersonal relationships are especially well drawn.

Not only am I struggling to read, I'm also not able to listen to music either. Plenty to listen to, just lacking the focus to do so. The pleasure centres in my brain seem to be disabled or fried. Got to choose something, though. This came up on random play a few days ago. It's an old favourite, and always glad to hear it.  'Marbles' by Tindersticks from their first album, also titled 'Tindersticks'.



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