Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 25th November 2020

What am I going to get up to today? Oh yes, work, for starters! Probably for main and dessert too.

Work was briefly interrupted for a conversation with our GP surgery regarding the booking of transport to take my wife to hospital next week. When I say 'briefly' I am downplaying the conversation, somewhat.  I had been expecting confirmation by text that transport had been arranged, however I'd received none and it was getting late.  After explaining the situation, things started to go awry: it began with a debate about how many days in advance it needed booking - originally I'd been told 5 working days, then 3 working days and now I was being told 3 days, including weekends.  We were both amused about the confusion and luckily it was finally determined that 3 working days were required, after some behind the scenes conversation amongst colleagues.  Next step was the booking itself: was it done? More confusion - nothing against my wife's records, which was odd as I'd spent a long time on Monday spelling out all the requirements, which are both detailed and complex. After lots more behind the scenes conversation it transpired that the details were documented, but against the wrong patient name, though the booking was not yet done. Luckily my call had re-united the right name with the right transport requirements and I was assured that the booking would be made today, worst case tomorrow morning.  We did all have a laugh about it, and I was grateful to know things were in hand, though it did cross my mind that once upon a time I might have been annoyed about this and possibly have become a little vexed. 

Back to work.

Tonight's our lazy dinner night - pizza with salad and garlic dough balls. As it also coincides with doing the bins, it's probably a good idea. Watched a couple more episodes of 'Truth Seekers', which gets darker as it goes.

Then the usual ending, according to Zebedee

Trying to remember why I found my brain here, and then it hit me (ouch!): Stuart Maconie played 'Palladium' on Sunday's Freak Zone, which made me think of another of my favourite Weather Report albums, 'Night Passage', from which comes this brief tune 'Forlorn'



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