Lockdown Diary - Sunday 22nd November 2020

When I got up this morning I had the idea that today is the day to change my bed.  It looks like it's going to stay dry, so probably the best opportunity to get the heavier, non drier-friendly, items at least drip dry.  I think that's now officially the most boring opening to one of these posts to date.  Not being able to go out and do much other than exercise, combined with the fact that I still haven't recovered enough to exercise means that life just keeps getting smaller and smaller.

I have spent a seriously large chunk of the day on washing, so there isn't really much to add, other than that the rest of yesterday's and all of today's papers were delivered, so I did read some of them.  Not enough time or will power to finish them though.  I should have plenty of time tomorrow, since it doesn't look like I'll be doing yoga in the morning. Damn.

When the evening comes I am still in the grip of the butterfly state of mind that's been with me for what seems like ages, and so music is not on the card nor is reading. 

Time evaporates and I'm now in the kitchen with son #2 making dinner. Another day frittered away with mundanities and trivia.

We watched the final episode of 'The Queen's Gambit': the ending was reasonably predictable, but the series as a whole was enjoyable.  I'd recommend it.

Sleep can't come too soon.

As I sit and type, looking around the room, this album keeps catching my eye, so I guess I'm meant to pick a song from it. I have.  'Black Rose' from the album 'Brave Tin Soldiers' by Sarah Nixey.



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