Lockdown Diary - Sunday 8th November 2020

I've called these blogs 'lockdown diary' ever since the first national lockdown began. Technically we're now under the second national lockdown and yet these posts have been named as if there's been a continual lockdown.  There's a simple reason for that: I haven't really been out of lockdown properly since it began. I've worked from home since March, most of the social activities I was doing / would have been doing, haven't taken place and apart from a couple of meals out with family and a walk with friends, that has been my lot.  I'm not complaining, since many have had it worse, far worse, and as a general rule this has been reality for many.  That does not mean, however, that it isn't getting me down, because it is. Effectively this has been a wasted year when I should have been out meeting new people, forging new friendships and enjoying the company of existing friends. Not to mention all the gigs and meals out I would have had.

Today is primarily about relaxation, though I have got things I must do and plan to go for a walk later, too.

Finished reading yesterday's papers then read 'The Observer', excluding the coverage of the US Presidential Election, which may have to wait until tomorrow.  I'm trying to start this month's book club book, 'The Good Terrorist' by Doris Lessing, but I'm finding it slow going, though I think this is less about the book and more about where my head's at. I'm coming to the realisation that all my head is still not in a good place and reading is not something I can easily do when I'm feeling like this.

We have a late-ish lunch - sons 1 and 2 taking full advantage of it being the weekend - after which I decide to go for that walk, before the light is gone.

Back from my seventh-consecutive daily walk in time to grab a quick video call with son #3 at uni - a quick call because he must squeeze me in to his very busy calendar.  He says a quick 'hello' to his mum, though she's fast asleep and then back to his computer games, sorry, work - what was I thinking...

Evening pans out a little different to the original plan, with no time for music, before helping son #2 with the the dinner - trout tonight.

Watched the second episode of 'The Last Wave' - great for my French (!?) - before the usual end of day rituals.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm choosing this song, though somehow it feels right and fitting for this point in time. I think the departure of Steve Hackett from Genesis marked the beginning of the end of their music for me, and, although I saw them live on their only UK gig supporting this album, the rather ominously titled '...And Then There Were Three', there is not much I like about the album.  I have mixed feelings about some of their music prior to this anyway - there are albums I like and there are those I struggle with.  I don't subscribe to the 'Phil Collins is the devil' world-view either, though I don't have room in my life for any of his solo albums, so it doesn't especially bother me that he sings lead, post-Peter Gabriel. Life is too short. This is 'Many Too Many', for what it's worth. Probably best without the video.



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