Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 29th April 2020
6am start. Record blood pressure. Shower. Exercises (1). Log laptop in and connect to Zoom. Set mat, blocks and cushion up. Take BP med. Water. Join the other nutters at 5 to 7 in the bloody morning ready for 50 minutes of so of Pranayama followed by 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar. 12 rounds of 'salute to the sun' certainly gets the blood pumping and the heart racing and that, on top of all the breathing exercises, has really set me up for the day. I do feel really energetic and alive. After tidying the mat and stuff away I finished off getting ready, which is essentially more exercises. Before doing the exercises I measured my BP and it was the best / lowest yet - the power of yoga. 😀 Of course I'm now going to fuck that up during the day by getting wound up by this and that, but it's good to have a few decent numbers to share with my doctor. I have an interesting day ahead. I volunteered to become one of my company's 'Mental Health Champions' - essential...