Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 28th April 2020

Not up until 6:45 today, as, until I heard/saw the rain, I was planning to go for a run.  As tomorrow is early morning yoga, it'll probably have to wait until Thursday now, weather permitting.

Work has dominated the day, so far - punctuated by the odd blood pressure reading.  One hour of the day was spent on a company-run charity quiz, which I took part in as part of a team from the group I work in. We didn't win - it was one of those computer-marked quizzes and we had lots of of questions right, but were rejected based on answer spelling / formatting etc.  One whole round had to be removed from the scores because loads of teams complained they had the answers right, but 'Computer said 'No!', and when the adjudicators checked the answers, they had to agree that the computer was wrong.

It's been rather strange seeing rain rather than sun and, on balance, please can we have the sun back.

That's it. I'm shutting down the work laptop for the day as it's almost 6pm and I've done enough for one day. Probably going to do lesson 2 of the 'Intro to Psychotherapy' course, and this time the subject is Melanie Klein, who I must admit I know little about, other than her name in context.  If there's time after that I'll listen to more music, let's see how it goes.

(But before I start, another BP reading...)

Melanie Klein. Inner life. Object relations theory. Splitting and projection. Going to have fun with this homework!

Events have taken a pretty familiar course for the rest of the evening. Nothing of note, to be honest.  Another day is drawing to a close. Fin.

Not found time to properly listen to Yves Tumor's new album, 'Heaven To A Tortured Mind', but I'm rather taken by this track, 'Kerosene!'

[[Some decent guitar playing within]]



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