Lockdown Diary - Saturday 4th April 2020

Saturday means the weekly food shopping trip.  Each week something is different: this time only one person per trolley is allowed in the shop, so though one of my sons came with me, he couldn't come in.  Apart the tedium of food shopping being alleviated by having company, my sons also help remind me of things we are out of, or running low on, that I have omitted from my shopping list.

I usually come back without things I should have had on my list, partly because I just hadn't thought of them, but also because I am trying to get the shopping done as quick as possible, so as to minimise the risk to my wife, who is at home and extremely vulnerable, and also the risk to others.  We do all have to think of one another now: if we didn't before, we certainly should from now on. 

I'm going to have to up my game now.  A hastily scribbled list - always a danger with my 'handwriting' (the only part of GP training I completed), will no longer do.  I'm going to have to go all high-tech and type up a list. Hmm! I wonder if there is a shopping list phone app? That's an idea. Tick it off as you go around picking things up. That'd help. 

Another excuse for any shopping lapses today  is the return of an all too frequent companion this year, Mr. UTI.  I was scheduled to have an operation in March that would, hopefully, have resolved the underlying problem that is the cause of all these Unexpected Trips to the (In)convenience. The operation was postponed with one week to go and, though I am at the top of the surgeon's list, when that list will start up again, no one can say.

Consequently I am attempting to become a human perpetual motion machine, by drinking as much water, perhaps with something stronger than water later this evening, as I can tolerate.  Currently there is a lag between input and output.  I guess I'll be contacting my GP on Monday, unless things get worse - according the NHS website my symptoms (you know, the yellow cartoon family from Springfield, USA) do not justify a call to 111. Given the current situation, unnecessary calls to 111 are to be avoided, clearly.

All this hasn't stopped the fun, though. No sirree! I've done two loads of washing and hung it out in sun, read the key parts of The Times and most of what's important in the Guardian today and, of course, kept an eye on the Labour Leadership results. Oh, and some vacuuming, if you were thinking the above was a bit 'tame'.

Still got to return to the 'Wake and read a few pages, plus find some time to listen to music. Loud. No idea what, yet, wherever the mood takes me.

Post-Wake and pre-music, for a bit of variety I decided to try and start one of The Idler's online courses (see here if you're interested in exploring), as I had recently upgraded my membership from print edition only, to full Academy, which, in theory, gives me access to all the courses.  Sadly, this was not to be. Much interaction via email with The Idler, has not resolved the problem, so it'll have to wait until Monday. Nevertheless, The Idler is a wonderful thing and well worth joining, the magazine is a joy and the wider range of offerings is a wonder to behold.

[As so often seems to happen, chores encroach on music listening time, so I didn't get quite the session in I'd hoped for.  Never mind. Tomorrow is another day.]

For no particular reason I can identify I found myself listening to Sarah Nixey's solo albums. There are so many songs that have a place in my heart, it set my brain thrashing, until I chose 'Love is Blue' from her last album, 'Night Walks'



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