Lockdown Diary - Monday 27th April 2020

Up fairly early as I have to finish eating breakfast at least two hours before yoga, which is at 10.

7:15 and I'd almost finished getting up, showered and semi-dressed, when the first carer of the day arrived. Chatted with her, from a safe distance, as she went about disconnecting the PEG pump and administering my wife's meds. She asked Bear if she was alright and, unusually, she responded indicating 'no'.

Bear was a bit troubled: she has an ongoing problem with a cough which is caused by fluids which rise up from her alimentary tract, and always seems worst in the early morning.  The coughing wears her out and was particularly bad, and seemed to be causing pain in her chest and her breathing seemed a bit laboured.  I'm keeping an eye/ear on her and she seems to have settled down now. 

Every now and then I get these reminders of how tenuous a hold on life Bear has. Her breathing this morning worried me and a panic-stricken voice from deep within says, 'I'm not ready' Though the experts have told me it will most likely happen gradually, with notice, and we'll know it's the start of the end, there's still a chance it might happen suddenly, which scares the shit out of me. Though she doesn't seem able to talk any more, this stark reminder is a warning to talk to her more, just in case. Ice cold liquid shivers down my spine.

Another really good yoga session, though there were a few too many balance-related asanas for my liking.  I am unbalanced at the best of times, as some of you already know.

Just off the phone from the GP surgery - have a called booked with my GP this evening to discuss my jolly UTI. Joy unbounded.  It will be doubly useful as it's going to be a call with my wife and I's GP, so I can also ask her about Bear's addition to the at-risk register, as we've heard nothing yet, still.

I must set aside time today to do my psychotherapy course homework as I'd like to do the next lesson. Just need to delve deep into my subconscious. Woah! Retreat! Let's not go there again, please!!! (Only kidding, I'm sure it'll be a wonderful place when I get there)

There's always something else to do first!  I've read my allotted pages from the 'Wake, but before I can progress the psychotherapy homework, which, to be fair, is partially complete, I need to finish reading the weekend's papers.

Weekend papers done and I'm part way through the psychotherapy homework: one thing's for sure, that's never going to see the light of day while I live 😅😅😅

Our GP phoned relatively early - mid-music session - which was good, though apparently it's that time of year when she wants me to record my blood pressure at various points over two days. Time to dust off the BP monitor. Boring.  Far more exciting is that we have a plan for avoiding future infections, just need this one to clear up.

The more I listen to albums through the new speakers, the more impressed I am with them. The detailing and overall 'sound stage' are impressive and the bass frequencies are handled so much better then the old Tannoys, which tended to be a bit muddy when the bass wasn't high in the mix. They are bringing new life to the music, which, right now, is a damn fine thing!

The evening panned out pretty much as it usually does under lockdown.  I didn't go out. I didn't see anyone. Made dinner with son #3, watched 'Twin' (episode 4 and the tale is getting even more interesting), cleared up, went to bed, read, then dead (asleep).

I've been rather taken by the latest album by Lucinda Williams.  In the spirit of open-mindedness, and despite my innate inability to understand the appeal of the vast majority of Country music, I thought I'd give it a listen. Well, imagine my surprise! Fortunately I guess it's at the periphery of said genre, plus unlike a lot of Country musicians, she is avowedly NOT a Trump supporter (see 'Man Without A Soul' on this album). Here's 'You Can't Rule Me' from 'Good Souls Better Angels'

[[Could have chosen any number of songs from the album, it is that good, assuming you like her voice, which is distinctive, in its battered, world-weariness]]



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