Lockdown Diary - Friday 16th October 2020

Friday again, yay! Well, not quite 'yay' yet, as there's the small matter of work to get through.

As so often happens, whenever I start to think I have a straightforward day ahead just getting on with work, it doesn't turn out that way. Things started to go awry around lunchtime. When the lunch carers arrived they said they felt my wife wasn't quite right, though there was nothing obvious. I was inclined to agree she hadn't seemed quite right over the past few days and so called the community matron out.  Luckily she was around and said she'd pop round at about 2 p.m. or so.

Having set this up I thought it was time for a brief meditate, but it was not to be. The dietitian called and I had to answer as I needed to speak to her about my wife's referral to endoscopy to have the PEG tube replaced. As always complications, because we aren't sure she has capacity to agree to the operation and so, potentially, at least, one of the psychologists will have to come out and assess her first. Hopefully it will be the one who she's seen in the past, because that will provide a much clearer perspective on how things have changed. 

Back to meditation. No. Wrong again. There's someone at the door and I recognise the voice of the community matron so downstairs I come to go through the details.  The good news is my wife's temperature and sats are good and her chest sounds fine, but she doesn't seem quite herself.  We've agreed it's probably the immune response from the flu jab kicking in and so the matron suggests liquid paracetamol tonight and tomorrow morning to see if that helps.  If not, we may call the matron out again on Monday though she'll probably pop in later in the week. As usual she's clued up with what's going on and knows about the upcoming PEG change.

Back to work.  Then time to fill out more forms online with HMRC. God I do love filling out HMRC forms, they've clearly been designed with jollity in mind!

All that shizz over, it's time to go and pick up son #3 who's staying over for his bros' birthday tomorrow.

Sons 2 and 3 make dinner whilst I listen to Henry Cow and Siouxsie & The Banshees (live album).

Over dinner we watch Frankie Boyle and HIGNFY that we'd recorded (the first of each recent series). 

I defy anyone to not know what comes next, and of course it does. As certain as night follows day (or is it really the other way round?)

Is he going for Henry Cow? Is he going for Siouxsie & The Banshees (I do love Siouxsie Sioux (Is that allowed?)) and the live album 'Nocturne' (with Robert Smith on guitar)? None of the above. Far too obvious. Instead, FEET and 'English Weather'. I don't have the album or the song, unusually, but it is on my brain and on my main (there are many others) Spotify playlist, so here it goes. I think it's from last year.



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