Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 13th October 2020

Back to work! There are a whole host of deliveries due today, from feed supplies for my wife, a book for my son at uni and birthday presents for the twins. I'm also due at the GP surgery for a flu jab at 11:16 precisely! Not only that but 'our' electrician is coming to replace the two extractor fans in the bathrooms: the one in the en-suite is dead and, given both are over 27 years old, I thought it best to replace that one before it dies too. I'm hoping there's not too much non-electrical work to do, as he's not  big fan (!) of that.

The electrician arrived at around 9:30, just after the morning carers started their tasks, so it was all a bit hectic with coming and goings through the front door whilst the carers were washing my wife's hair in bed. My wife's bedroom is directly opposite the front door and the bathroom they use is by the door, so it was all a little fraught 'til the electrician had got all his tools and stuff in.

I returned to work whilst all around was chaos.

Had a brief break to get my flu jab done and pick up a coffee, then returned to see what progress was being made.  There was a lot of cursing and moaning going on, so I was pretty certain that the electrician was having trouble.  Luckily the fan casing was the same size as the old one, but with a much-improved grille including a washable filter (the old one was clogged with dust inside the housing).  Once he'd done the first one, the second was much easier.  Far less harumphing. I reckon it took about 3 hours in all, so I await the final bill!  The good thing is, both are in and working and look much better than the old ones. They sound more powerful yet quieter, too.

The electrician doesn't clear up after himself: it's a pre-agreed thing.  He will clear up after he's done, but will charge electrician's rates for doing so, and I reckon it's not worth it. It'd be like me charging myself out for doing washing at the rate my employers charge - in no way would that be feasible, not to mention the fact that they'd charge for a days work however long it took (both under or over).

Son #2 kindly offers to vacuum and clear up the mess from the electrician's handiwork. I accept the offer with thanks.  They are good lads, my sons.

Back to work until about 5 p.m. when I decided to go and walk for 30 minutes or so: it looks like it's going to rain, but I'm going for it either way.

Arrived home just after the final carers of the day had arrived. I returned to the work laptop one last time, just to sort a few final things before shutting down for the day.

Started reading the 'Sirens' chapter of 'Ulysses' followed by a another chapter of 'The Many'.

Time for some tidying up before making dinner with son #2.

Another episode of 'Lovecraft Country' with sons 1 and 2 before winding down for bed.

Sirens: it must be pre-destined. The Horrors with 'Weighed Down' from the album 'V'



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