Lockdown Diary - Thursday 29th October 2020

Early start for the usual Thursday reason - cleaner at the gates by 10 to 7 again, so no time to relax. I'm beginning to understand why castles had ramparts, moats and drawbridges - after all, it is said that an Englishman's home is his castle! Too early for oil on the stove.

Big day work-wise - the day has finally come when I must re-take the MuleSoft platform architect certification: sort of last chance, otherwise the company will have to pay for me to take it again.  That, however, is not until this afternoon.

Until then work!

Son #2 made lunch early today, which was good for both of us, but me especially, given my exam would start slap bang in the middle of when we're normally eating.

Worked through lunch as has become customary, but not revising for the MuleSoft exam now - anything I cram into my brain cell won't help me.

After lunch I have to prepare the room for the exam.  I have to take the exam in the lounge/living room because the exam is videoed and before you start you have to film all the way round the room and on the floor to prove you are not cheating. My office is the perfect room for it, except that I'm surrounded by CDs and books, far too many to remove for the exam. I'm not sure how the massed ranks of psych, punk, jazz, reggae, metal, rave etc albums, nor books like 'Girl In A Band', 'Gonzo', or 'The Peel Sessions' would help me, but I'm not wasting my time trying to convince them. Out of paranoia I take down the boys birthday cards, an address book and anything else they may decide could be subliminally helping me. On top of that you can't wear watches or any kind of jewellery. If you wear glasses you have to prove they don't project information on to the glass plus, of course, you have to prove you are who you say you are.

Given the above, my second attempt at passing the set up criteria was a breeze this time.  You have to sit at your PC for the entire duration of the exam - up to 2 hours - and are video'd throughout. You cannot get up for any reason.

With about 15 minutes to spare I decided no amount of reading over the final 3 questions I was unsure about would help, so I pressed the finish button and awaited the almost instant verdict. I exclaimed 'F*ck me! I've passed', which will be a fine ending for anyone who decides to review the video. So there it is, I am now a MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect'. No more revision. No more reading that 320 page manual. Hallelujah!

Returned the lounge to its former state and returned to my office to finish work for the day not forgetting to tell my boss I'd passed.

Tonight is Idler drinks, as per usual, and I'm especially looking forward to it as the guest is comedian and music lover, Stewart Lee.

Stewart Lee was brilliant, as always, and mostly talked about music, against a backdrop rack after rack of CDs on the wall behind him, very much a man after my own heart.  Interestingly he's recently recorded vocals for an album by Laura Cannell called 'These Feral Lands Volume 1' and also provided part of one his live routines as vocals for a track called 'Comin' Over Here' from Asian Dub Foundation's new album 'Access Denied'. Cool. Both the ADF song and a track from Laura Cannell were featured in the talk. The ADF song will feature here sooner or later!

I much prefer Radiohead's album 'Kid A' to 'OK Computer' and have been dipping into the album a lot recently. This is 'Everything In It's Right Place', a particular favourite.



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