Lockdown Diary - Thursday 1st October 2020

Just another lockdown Thursday. Or rather it isn't, I suppose, since officially we're not in lockdown, except that the rules effectively amount to the same thing, given most of the things you might want to do either can't be done or are restricted in some way. It's all a bit grim and without an end in sight. Things planned for the first half of 2021 are already looking doubtful.

Working day, so not much to say.

Random topic of conversation: Romanesco. Today's vegetable delivery included a Romanesco which comes from Italy and is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower. It has a fascinating fractal pattern as shown in the image below. One of our carers and son #1's gf had both never seen one before and wondered what on earth it was.   

After work, at 6 p.m. it was time for, what has now become a lockdown staple, namely The Idler Drinks.  Tonight it's the turn of comedy actor and writer Simon Farnaby, who you'll know from 'Horrible Histories' (death), 'Yonderland', 'Ghosts' as well as the films 'Mindhorn' and 'Paddington 2' (both of which he co-wrote). It was an enjoyable and humorous chat though without the impact of recent talks by Alexandra Wilson and Nick Hayes. A mind expanding hour of the day, which reminds me:  I had to laugh because at the start, Victoria Hull (co-host) said, '...and next week we have Merlin Sheldrake on mushrooms'. I thought it was meant to be 'drinks with', but I suppose whatever it takes. Could be even more mind expanding. For someone.

I also found time to watch and old BBC documentary about Julian Cope's 'The Modern Antiquarian', where he spent about 8 years (from memory, so don't sue me) travelling the length and breadth of the UK and Ireland documenting stone circles, burial mounds and other remnants of ancient civilisations.  All this culminated in the, now out of print, book of the same name, copies of which now exchange hands for several hundred pounds.  It's considered to be the definitive work on the subject and he gets invited to speak on the subject at academic gatherings on the subject. The documentary is just pure JC.  It's on YouTube - watch it!

Pies, bloody pies and statistics. Tonight's dinner courtesy of Pieminister (not that other b%$&*?d) accompanied by a cornucopia of fresh vegetables prepared by son #2 and I with a large helping of onion gravy.

We all watched episode 5 of the second series of 'The Bridge' which continues to be fascinating and ended on quite a cliff-hanger.  Sadly no time for a second: we'll all have to wait until tomorrow night.

The obvious choice would be Julian Cope, so obviously it isn't going to be. Instead, it's Damien Jurado with 'Silver Timothy' from the album 'Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son'



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