Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 7th October 2020

Up with the Larks - ooops! Already done that - well, in which case, up in the dark, which isn't a lark, in order to get set up for yoga at 7.  Another great session thanks to Jo, our wonderful teacher, I always feel so awake and alive after the pranayama session.

Up and wide awake, for work - is this a waste of all this energy?  Answers on a postcard...

Apart from writing a couple of brief messages to friends, the focus has been on work all day.

Son #1's gf arrived in the early afternoon - I said a quick 'Hello, How are you?' and had a brief chat before being chained to my desk again. (Thinks: 'I must get up and move about more often')

And there was me forgetting the most exciting thing of all, it's bin night! It's like winning the lottery, if the lottery awarded really shit prizes: you've won tonight's star prize - unblocking the drains!

After work I called my 'big' sister to see how they were doing in the depths of Yorkshire and to update her on a couple of things.  All fine, but lockdown rules are tighter where they live than down here, at least as I write this.  Who knows what rules will be in place by the end of the week?

Easy dinner tonight: pizza, dough balls with garlic butter and a large helping of salad. Settled down to watch the penultimate episode of the 'The Bridge II', just when you think it's all done and dusted, there's another twist up its sleeve.

Bridge to bed via bins (N.B. Not sleeping with bins)

My head's been bombarded by a multitude of tunes over the past few days, but I've heard this one on the radio (the edited, single version) twice now, and I'm rather taken with it.  This is Badge Époque Ensemble with the song 'Sing A Silent Gospel' from their upcoming album 'Self Help'



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