Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 21st October 2020

Wednesday already!  The days seem to pass so fast at the moment. At the moment my working days are passing faster than my days off.  

Managed to haul myself out of bed for the early yoga session but did miss the chanting at 5 to 7 as I was cutting things a bit fine, well and also because I didn't realise it was happening this week - I turned up last week and took part in the chanting.

After the breathing and moves were over it was time to get showered, exercised and breakfasted as quick as possible in order to get started on work.

Around lunchtime I offered to take son #2 to the post office given it was persisting down and he needed to send the parcel today. In return he made lunch when we got back, which meant I could return to work and eat lunch whilst working.

Not long after lunch was made son #1's gf arrived, here arrival on a Wednesday is fast becoming a feature of our weeks.  Son #1 wasn't up yet, hardly surprising when you consider he hadn't gone to bed by the time I was getting up.  This seems to be happening more frequently of late, so I'm going to need to have a bit of a chat to check all's well.

Not long after son #1's gf arrived the shopping delivery arrives but I have to leave the rest of the team to get that sorted whilst I return to work.

In the early evening I had a catch up with a friend in Berlin - we try to have regular catch ups where we set the world straight and it's always good to get a perspective from mainland Europe, not to mention we usually find something to laugh about. 

Work shifted a little later into the evening than I'd planned after a 30 minute call lasted well over an hour and also resulted in an additional piece of work to do on top of the day job. 

Son #2 started making dinner whilst I trawled the house for bins with rubbish in as we got ready to take all the rubbish out later.

Before that the penultimate episode of the first (will there be more) series of 'Lovecraft Country' - more unpleasantness over dinner - a stronger story taking in the real events of the Tulsa race massacre of the summer of 1921.

After this things proceeded in an orderly fashion to their inevitable conclusion.

If, by some twist of fate, push was ever to become shove, then this is probably my favourite song by Madness (and, arguably, 'Keep Moving', from which this comes, is their best album, but that's another story for a better day). Obviously. at a party. their lively ska hits are more 'fun', especially for dancing, but for me they don't sound so good in the cold light of day.  Some flashes of amusing wordplay, jaunty melodies, but not really having much impact beyond that. 'One Better Day' has more humanity and empathy than most of the other hits put together and for that I applaud it.  I'm always glad to return to this.



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