Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 30th September 2020

Back to work again, though the day started with an early morning pranayama yoga session followed by a rapid shower, exercise, dress and make breakfast, ready for work.

It's been a full-on day work-wise, so there's not much I've done other than work.  Tomorrow will be the same.

Sometime in the early afternoon son #2's girlfriend arrived, though I didn't speak to her until after I'd finished work.

After work I had a few things to sort out but once I'd done those I called my elder sister for a catch up.  There were a few headline items but also the inevitable lockdown discussion. Where she lives there are tighter rules in force, so she's - theoretically at least - more restricted than we are here.

Once dinner was under way son #2 and I chatted whilst we got things done until it was time for us all to sit down together and watch episode 4 of 'The Bridge'.

Boring bloody bins then bed. Read more of 'The Hunting Party' which I must finish by Monday.  Should make it. Not much to go.

Back to 'Kats Karavan': this is Thin Lizzy with a version of their hit 'Whiskey In the Jar', recorded for a John Peel session back in 1972. I reckon this version is better than the album/single version. [I'm sure I heard a rumour someone was reissuing a bunch of Thin Lizzy's stuff soon?]



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