Lockdown Diary - Thursday 8th October 2020

Another early start, primarily so I am up, dressed and ready when the cleaner arrives around 7. 

One of the things I've realised through lockdown is that the people who come to this house regularly (carers, cleaner, nurses etc) all contribute to my sanity.  The carers are especially good because over time we've got to know each other quite well and they will joke with me and take the piss, which is good, and I know them well enough to do the same back, without fear of offence (so far, at least!)

Down to work after that, with a brief interlude at lunchtime to switch to my new mobile phone and a new SIM-only contract. I was a bit dubious at first, but my sons recommended the Google Pixel 4a, and it seems pretty good so far. I guess I should be confident as they have put my money where their mouth is by having the same phone each for their upcoming 23rd birthdays.  Ultimately a phone is a phone and this was just another one of those things that needed sorting: we've all been out of contract for ages and paying a ridiculous amount each month for the pleasure. Between work, looking after the things that need doing for my wife, actively maintaining my sanity, sorting things out for the boys (which is reducing for them all, gradually), all these tedious things that can be left end up getting left until I have the bandwidth/will/fed-up-ness to sort them. Eating the elephant and all that. (Why would someone want to eat an elephant?  They are useful to have in the room or fridge, but eat them? I think not)

Mid-afternoon a nurse arrived to give my wife her flu jab and, slightly disappointingly, although I'm on the list, she couldn't do mine.  I'll have to contact the surgery to arrange that.

It's the Idler Drinks again, this evening with Merlin Sheldrake, who is a biologist, talking about mushrooms. (That's a great name, Merlin!) 

The conversation took in the philosopher A.N. Whitehead (need to explore his writings), Merlin's father, Rupert Sheldrake (who is a biochemist and researcher in parapsychology), family friend Terence McKenna (who was 'an American ethnobotanist, mystic, psychonaut, lecturer, author, and an advocate for the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants'), fungi, both magic and not. I shall have to re-watch it as I was distracted for much of the chat, and so missed a few key points.  It was very interesting, but some urgent things came up during the hour which had to be dealt with.

In the evening we all, or at least the current 'all', sat down and watched the final episode of 'The Bridge II'.  Good ending with a final twist which was a shame, but inevitable right from the first episode.

Toss up between Slowdive and Boogarins: Brazil's wonderful Boogarins win with a track from their album 'Sombrou Dúvida'. It marked a departure from their previous albums with greater use of the studio whilst retaining the tropicalia/psychedelia elements that make them so interesting.  The complexities and subtle changes of texture and use of spaces don't always reveal themselves immediately, so it really does bare repeated listens. This song is 'A Tradição'



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