Lockdown Diary - Monday 19th October 2020

Monday morning disappeared under a sequence of meditation and yoga. Between meditation and yoga I decided the weather looked OK - there was sun - and it so it was the perfect time to change my bed and get it washed.

Made a quick trip to the post office to send a parcel tracked, back in time for the lunchtime carer visit.

I spent the afternoon sorting out admin of one sort or another, which was both tedious and frustrating at times - some websites need help from UI/UX designers who've actually tried to use their sites in anger! - but despite the annoyances, I finished the tasks.

As if operating according to some pre-destined cycle, the evening arrived and with it the need to change my bedding, having suitably aired the mattress.  Son #1 had agreed to help, though on occasion it's difficult to drag him away from the life and death activity that is online computer gaming. At a point where the criticality of the game had reduced to safe levels, he kindly joined me in turning the mattress then fitting the the fitted things. It is possible for me to turn the mattress alone, however it's one of those tasks that is so much easier with two. When I am left alone, then I'll do it alone.

[Still bothering me: does night follow day or the other way around? Which came first, night or day? I guess according to Genesis (the book of the Bible rather than the band), night preceded day, but as a rule I don't consider that book the definitive source on matters scientific/astronomical or indeed philosophical]

Anyway, in the same way that one of those follows the other, it was time to make dinner.  Mostly this was done by son #2 with minor inputs from me - like washing the spinach - and was soon fully underway, if a little late.

Another episode of 'Lovecraft Country' was our entertainment for the evening.  This episode seems to see the series seriously going off the rails, but I will suspend my disbelief a while longer.  The story seems to have strayed far from the original episodes premise and is in danger of losing me. To be fair, this wasn't helped by the late dinner and me being more tired than usual, to the extent that I need to revisit the last 15 minutes.  

Whichever came first, night now beckons and sleep can only be a short time away. 

Sitting in my office, casting around the room, when my eye settled on this album, 'Yellow Moon', by The Neville Brothers. The album screamed 'Play Me!' and who am I to argue. Was going to go for the title track when I recalled that a favourite song is 'Voodoo', a nice slice of New Orleans funk



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