Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 6th October 2020

Not much of a post yesterday and, given today will be dominated by work, it's not likely to be much better.

Really struggled to get out of bed this morning: the darker mornings make it so much harder to rise.  My alarm went off at 6 a.m. but I snoozed for 40 minutes when something, I forget what, made me get up. Nevertheless I was up, exercised, and dressed by the time the carer got here at 7:25 a.m. or thereabouts.  I'll have to do better tomorrow!

My mind's all over the place today - there are lots of things I have to organise for my wife and my sons as well as stuff that just needs doing. We should also be getting flu jabs this week, though no word about when yet.  I hope we'll get a call first so I can check it fits around work.

Attempted meditation at lunchtime, but with my brain as busy as it is, I found it hard to focus for more than a few minutes out of twenty - at least I have a second chance tonight.

My mind's been hopping about while working too, bit of this, bit of that - butterfly mode is dominating today. I need to find my focus tomorrow.

After work this evening I have an hour long session with Taking Therapies: the primary goal is to help test a new platform they want to use for virtual practice sessions instead of Microsoft Teams, but as a bonus we get a 25 minute guided practice, which will hopefully make up for lunchtime.

That was good. Mind's still racing a bit, but managed to focus for a while. New platform is OK, sound quality is better but video display is not as flexible as Teams.  Participated in the feedback session, shared my thoughts and then sayonara, auf wiedersehen etc (Cheap Trick!)

Son #2 already has dinner under way, so I go and assist with what I can. As usual he has it all under control.

The evening returns to a more normal format as we watch another episode of 'The Bridge' (I thought he was dodgy!) and have just two episodes to go.  Apparently two more series were made (and shown?) but I'm not sure they're available anywhere.

Before I sleep tonight I'm going to attempt to start reading 'The Many' by Wyl Menmuir, assuming I'm not caught in Hypnos' net too soon.

Whilst watching 'The Bridge', son #2 informed me that Eddie Van Halen had died. As Van Halen's first two albums (maybe three at a pinch) made a great impression on me (the first album has a great 'live' sound), I figure it's only right and proper to choose something by them. I've chosen 'Somebody Get Me A Doctor' from Van Halen II.  Great riff and playing from Eddie. RIP. 🖤



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