Tales From The Crypt - Monday 3rd January 2022

Last day of my time off for Christmas and new year and another busy day ahead.  Apart from the usual chores, I'll be taking son #3 back to uni in the afternoon.

During the first carer call we noticed that E was quite hot and her cough sounded a little more chesty than normal.  We're going to have to keep an eye on things.

E seems better during morning and lunch call, but on the tea call she seems quite hot again - at the very least she'll need paracetamol tonight.

As I'm going to be away for a few days, I decide to contact the Community Matrons as a precaution. Hopefully they'll be able to visit tomorrow and check her over and in so doing, determine what the next step is.

Time to load the car to take son #3 back to uni...

...back from moving son #3 in again, what's next?

The evening carers arrive and E is quite warm again, so we decide to administer paracetamol through the PEG, hopefully that'll ease her temperature a little.

My turn to make dinner tonight and we have some vegetables left over from Christmas, like red cabbage and turnip/swede.  In the end I sauté the cabbage with ginger and puree cauliflower with butter, pepper etc. The turnip/swede (probably the former, but need to check) can wait for another day or for the next screening of Blackadder.

More Frankie Boyle before the usual things leading to sleep...

Godspeed You! Black Emperor  / 'First of the Last Glaciers' / 'G_d's Pee AT STATE'S END' 

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