Tales From The Crypt - New Year's Day (Saturday 1st January 2022)

Here we go again! A new year begins! Happy New Year to anyone reading this, let's hope that 2022 turns out a whole let better than 2021 for everyone, even if it's not got off to the best of starts, Covid-wise, at least. Bring it on!

For the first time in many years I greet the new year in a wholly different way, which was wonderfully joyous.  It's also the first New Year's Day when I've not woken with some degree of post-alcohol side-effects - a pleasant change.

After slowly getting ready to face the world we head off for a leisurely coffee and breakfast before returning home.

A Soul II Soul refrain comes to mind as I survey the scene post-New Year's Eve: time to put stuff away and return to life's realities. The boys had gone out to celebrate with a small group of friends, so the kitchen was relatively tidy, in fact almost exactly as I'd left it yesterday afternoon (even the dishwasher was not emptied), barring some extra crap here and there.

The boys gradually emerged across the day whilst I did a mix of chores (but absolutely NO washing!!), changing calendars, and watching the second episode of 'Get Back' and talking to friends.

I had a call with my father-in-law late afternoon and wished him an HNY and had a general catch up, including the subject of his ex-wife (my mother-in-law)… what a complex web we weave.

For some reason, despite today being a Saturday, it feels like it should be a Sunday.

In the evening we re-watch 'The Princess Bride', an old favourite but a first for son #1's gf.  It was as good as I recalled and still funny (after all these years).

Usual bed routine, except I am feeling very tired, unusually..

Japanese Breakfast  / 'Be Sweet' / 'Jubilee' 

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