Tales From The Crypt - Friday 14th January 2022

It's Friday again and another working day! Lots to do and organise, especially work-wise, so the usual rules apply.

Managed to keep up the walking, which was good, despite it being even colder and frostier this morning.   

After work I did a lateral flow test which was negative, after which I had a long chat with my younger sister, the first of 2022, which was a good catch-up.

I made dinner and then watched more of the final part of 'Get Back', which continues to be fascinating and we're starting to see some pulling in different directions with George wanting to release a solo album of songs he's written and John meeting Allen Klein, then introducing him to the band.  John seems mighty impressed with Klein, though hindsight shows he was less than honest.

The usual steps were followed leading to bed etc...

Surya Sen / 'Jessica' / (Single) 

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