Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 29th January 2022

For the first time in a few weeks, I'm spending Saturday at home, and my plan is to get chores done and take things easy, especially in the form of reading the papers.

Shopping first, then home for breakfast and washing - some things never change.  Breakfast eaten and washing under way, I decide to head out and get my car washed, something I haven't done for some time, which is probably the reason why I now have a muddy grey car.

Success! I managed to get the car washed and am now home sorting out the washing. I have a call with a friend in Berlin this afternoon, but I'm still hoping to find time to read the papers afterwards.

Made lunch and then called Berlin. After a long and enjoyable chat son #2 emerged and we tried to take a new passport photo, despite the fading light.  The Passport Office has rejected the original one, even though it was originally given the green 'light', apparently because my head was too low.  Unfortunately the new photos solved that problem, but it was too late and the light was bad, with the website giving the new photos an 'amber' or 'fair' status and therefore not worth submitting. Hopefully tomorrow son #2 will get up early enough for us to take the photo in daylight, assuming the day is bright enough. This is so much fun!

Time has run out and I'm now making the dinner before watching a film with son #2.  Tonight's choice is a Netflix animation called 'House', which a friend recommended to me.  The film consists of three separate tales around the theme of 'house' and we managed to watch two of the three fully, but failed to finish the third, in order to maintain lines of communication.  

After that, bed and sleep...

Sherelle / '160 Down The A406' / '160 Down The A406' (EP)

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