Tales From The Crypt - Wednesday 26th January 2022

After the first carer had been I headed off for the garage to get the AdBlue tank topped up and try and wangle a tyre check and potentially replacement (as well as a car wash, which was pushing my luck!)

In the end they re-filled the AdBlue tank and checked the front tyres, which they say have a couple of thousand miles left on them, but they don't have time to change them even if they needed it.  Turns out there's a recall on the ECU which means I have to bring it back in anyway, so I'll get the tyres and other things done then, given the next slot is over two weeks away.

Home again and back to work, car is now minus warning message, which means the car stops nagging me every time I stop or start.

After work, time to get the bins sorted to take out later, before dinner with son #2 while watching another Boba Fett episode.

Once over, son #2 and I set to with the bins and this where I take leave of my senses for a brief, but critical moment: the cardboard/paper recycling needs treading down in the waste bag again. Normally I hold onto something when I do this, in case it gives way beneath me.  For some inexplicable reason I don't hold on to anything when I climb onto the pile to crush it. Inevitably I fall over backwards onto the tarmac, saving my head but hurting my right wrist, right side of pelvis and, as I noticed later, my neck too.

Somewhat shaken we proceed to take the bins out and then I return inside for a call and to lick my wounds.  Hopefully I am OK and will sleep well, though my wrist is very painful. That'll teach me to think I'm in my 20s!

Denise Chaila / 'ANSEO ft. Jafaris' / (Single)

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