Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 30th January 2022

Sunday starts at home, for  change, though I will be heading for the coast after lunch.  For various reasons this weekend has shifted by 24 hours so I'll be returning home on Monday evening, rather than Sunday evening.

After breakfast my morning was taken up with packing, washing (yep! there's always bloody washing!), and a few other chores. Whatever needed doing, time passed very quickly.

At around midday son #2 and I had another attempt at taking a passport photo that with satisfy the ICAO and Passport Office. Son #2 has been very patient having taking roughly 37,041 photos of me, which is approximately 37,041 photos more than anyone needs.  I have submitted a photo again and it was given a 'green light'.  I wonder what will be wrong with it this time?

Had lunch with son #2 and finished the last 20 minutes or so of 'House' from Netflix.  Overall it was pretty good and I think I probably enjoyed the third tale best of all, probably because it has some relevance to me.

Lunch over, I finished packing and headed south.

We watched the first episode of 'Trigger Point' after dinner and the day came to a close.

Animal Collective / 'Walker' / 'Time Skiffs'

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