Tales From the Crypt - Thursday 13th January 2022

Up and ready early in time to greet the cleaner.  After the meds carer call I'm off out for a walk in the freezing cold! Second day in a row!

After the pleasure of walking in the beautiful, bright but cold morning air, it's time to get down to work.

At lunchtime the Abbott nurse came to change E's PEG feeding tube, a roughly 6-monthly event, which went smoothly, happily.  It never ceases to amaze me that you can effectively have a hole in your body that goes down inside your torso through to another hole in your stomach and somehow this doesn't leak or cause bleeding or any other complications. 

After a long day of working, with a couple of minor interludes for another walk (exceeded my target again), meditation and physio exercises, it's almost time for the first Idler drinks Zoom meeting of 2022.

Tonight's guest is Yrsa Daly-Ward, who is a poet, author and model, currently in Brooklyn, New York. She's here to talk about her book, 'The How', described by one reviewer as 'Lyrical . . . visceral truth is at the heart of her work'.  An extract can be found here. Yrsa was very engaging and her chat with Tom was lively and interesting.

The after talk chat was fun ranging from repair cafés, zip mending, buttons and 'Carry On Screaming'.  I also discovered there are people who have a fear of buttons (not the character in Cinderella...though who knows?) and it's called Koumpounophobia. You'll be pleased to know it's a relatively rare condition so you'll not have to remember the word, nor will have to try and pronounce it!

Son #2 had made dinner just after the call ended and I watched more of 'Get Back', during which the four Beatles seem to be getting well with each other and having a lot of fun, especially when Linda's young daughter Heather was in the studio.

Bed, sleep etc...

Gazelle Twin & Nyx / 'Throne' / 'Deep England' 

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