Tales From The Crypt - Monday 17th January 2022

Started the day with a lateral flow test (negative) with a plan to finish off the small office reorg I started yesterday evening (essentially giving me more space on my desk) and then have a chilled day.  This was not to be!

Initial move of some displaced books and identification of some books to dispose of (old editions of reference books I have newer editions of and odd books no longer wanted) led to the discovery that one of the shelves was detaching from the wall.

In order to fix the shelf I had to empty it (!) and clear out all the storage boxes, magazines and documents stacked underneath the shelf(!!). Thankfully all the fixings were OK except for one where both wall plugs needed replacing.

Unfortunately, successfully securing the shelves meant I had a choice: do I put everything back as was or do I sort through the stuff and get rid of things I no longer use, gaining back even more space in the office? I opted for the latter which took until around 5 p.m. (a shelf and the space below can hold a lot of stuff, believe me!!)

Here's a shot of SOME of the books and magazines to be disposed of (I have shredded loads of stuff plus, some magazines are in the garage, some stuff has gone straight to the bin, an entire recycling bag has been filled with various papers and a load of blank notepads have been taken by a carer), either through sale (if I can be bothered or they're worth something) or to a charity shop.

After that I'd had enough for the day and made dinner with son #2 and watched an episode of 'Live At the Apollo' together.

The day ended in the way it often does...

Piri & Tommy Villiers / 'Soft Spot' / (Single)

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