
Showing posts from February, 2023

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 27th February 2023

The working week begins here, at least for Q. I have a day of 'Hades' ('Ulysses'), weekend papers, 'Bad Sisters', Radcliffe and Maconie, and whatever else takes my fancy, planned.  Once I've done some online admin, I start reading 'Hades' and as time passes eleven and I'm four or five pages from the end of the chapter, I decide it's time to head out for a walk. I'm planning to visit Calderstones Park and aim to exceed my 30-minute brisk walking target, whilst exploring the area. Suitably shod and dressed (it's still a bit chilly) I head off. Back now, my walking target was exceeded, and it was worth the exploration. There is a lot to explore in the park, though you have to watch out for the dog turds if you stray from the tarmac. Sadly I fell foul (😀) of one of the aforementioned Richard the Thirds.  Next time I walk there I shall explore further, though when I'm working tomorrow I don't think I'll have time to walk that ...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 26th February 2023

Liverpool late start which begins with bacon, scrambled egg, and toast with Q. There's a vague plan for today which, at the very least, means I'll be going in search of 'The Observer'. Q and I are going to walk to the local Spar to get 'The Observer' and then head out to the shops beginning with B&M and going wild by following that up with a trip to Tesco. Adventures!  Whilst we're out Q's daughter will be recording an online interview with a law firm, so we'll not be recording until she's finished that. B&M turns out to be an Aladdin's cave of stuff, as wildly varied as you can imagine. Well, maybe not THAT wild! Control yourselves, please. B&M, and perhaps even more so, Tesco, are heaving with people, the number of people is more akin to Christmas shopping, Trollies every- bleedin'-where.  If you could perform a satellite scan for filler and Botox, this place on this Sunday morning would be a hotspot. We're back now, the...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 25th February 2023

The plan for today is to head to Liverpool, but my day began at around 4 am when son #2 came into my room to use the ensuite, before leaving for the airport at around 4:30.  I'd asked him to say goodbye before her left and then I tried to return to sleep, not very successfully. I'm off to the shops now to pick up some bread for son #1 and some lunch for my journey north. Home now to get the packing done with the goal of setting off around lunchtime.  There is no point in me getting there before 3 as it's an open day at the university which means the place will be swamped with potential students and their families, and, more to the point, their cars and thus difficulty finding somewhere to park. I have arrived in Liverpool and found a parking spot close by. Q's home and popped out to help me move the kitchen sink and library in. We had a relaxing afternoon, talking and watching some TV, and before long it was time for dinner, a delicious orzo-based dish made by her daugh...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 24th February 2023

The day is almost over and there's not been much to write about.  Both son #2 and I are packing for journeys tomorrow, though his journey is much longer than mine. Work over, I made dinner, ate with son #1, and watched the second episode of 'North Sea Connection'. I tried to get an early night as I know I'll be woken early when son #2 leaves for the airport in the wee hours. A pretty boring post, perhaps, more than normal. The Faux Faux / 'Cold Hearted Woman' / (Single) [[]]

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 23rd February 2023

The cleaner's not coming today, which allowed me to have a brief lie-in, but I'm still up with the larks, as usual. Until this evening, I'm not expecting any major excitement and I will be focused on work. Early evening I had a chat with my big sister, an overdue catch-up mainly due to how busy I've been. Before the Idler drinks started, which returned this week after a half-term break, I had a chat with Q and logged in to the Zoom call just after six, as the call was opening. Tonight's guest speaker is Anil Seth , a Neuroscientist, talking about understanding consciousness, a subject I find fascinating, so I'm looking forward to it. That was quite a talk, one of the ways he described consciousness was as, 'the thing that goes away under general anaesthetic' and talked of the self as, 'a bundle of perceptions' and 'there's no such thing as the self, just the experience of the self'.  I will have to investigate his recent  book (time!...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Broken night's sleep and woke up with a headache. I think there are several big things on my mind. I started the day with a round of exercise, before knuckling down to work. First thing, E was both very gurgle-y and hot, so we kept an eye on her in the day. It was nothing too alarming, but she does like to keep me on alert!  As yesterday, I walked at lunchtime, this time for over 20 minutes, mainly because I won't get a second chance owing to this evening's 'UFA 2023'. Although E has remained hot and red-cheeked throughout the day, she seems to be stable, so the alert level remains high but there are no clear signs of deterioration. Work's now over and I need to get organised for 'Ulysses For All' at six.  Tonight's session on 'Proteus' is over. Two hours flew by, despite some very heavy discussions on Aristotle and Joyce. 'Proteus' is one of the most difficult chapters and is often the point at which readers who don't finish the ...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Tuesday 21st February 2023

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's back to work I go...which probably means this post will be a little short, but hopefully not sleepy or dopey and definitely not grumpy. I started the day with some exercises: weights, standing on one leg and press-ups (solo variety). This is part of my weight-loss and exercise programme.  Not only that I plan  to carve out time to walk today - hoping to hit thirty minutes of brisk walking. After lunchtime meditation, and before eating, I went for a walk. My walk was around sixteen minutes, and so if I manage to repeat it before it gets dark, I'll exceed my target. Yesterday, I wrote that after I finish reading 'Edge Of The Orison' I shall probably read Miki Berenyi's autobiography. I was wrong. This won't happen. As always, I have multiple books on the go, and I will finish ' Faith, Hope and Carnage ' by Nick Cave and Sean O'Hagan, before I  read Miki's autobiography.  I do have several novels on the go, however I do baul...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 20th February 2023

'Anything can happen in the next half hour'  (Stingray, if you're wondering) After hearing The Auteurs on the radio and looking at the just-released box set of all their albums, instead of just buying it, I remember that somewhere I have a 3CD set called 'Luke Haines Is Dead' which contains a lot of Auteurs songs, a few solo ones and some other tracks he released under the band name Baader Meinhof.  I know what it looks like, I know it's in an old-style 3CD case, but can I find it? Can I fuck! Eventually, after going through the shelves multiple times, looking to see if I've mis-filed it, I come upon it amongst the ever growing unfiled pile. I've found it and it does contain what I'm looking for (not U2). Change of plans for the morning, and once I'm organised I return to 'Ulysses', deepening my knowledge and digging out my copy of the first hand-written draft of the episode we're currently reading. Ahead of Wednesday evening's di...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 19th February 2023

What a glorious start to the day!  The sun is out and it feels good.  There will be no excuse for not walking today. Usual crap to be done, naturellement, but that's the last your going to hear of that.  The first thing I do (after getting out of it) is to strip the bed.  I am getting things done today. Once I've read 'The Observer', I decide I should walk before eating lunch as I've read that if you exercise first you're more likely to lose weight.  As that's a mission I'm on, that's what I'm going to do.  I'm going to listen to the  RTÉ reading of 'Ulysses' as I walk in the sunshine.  I'm not a fan of audiobooks, as I don't feel I've read something unless I've ranged my eyes on the page.  For this reason I'm only listening to episodes once I've already read them (even though I have read them all before, multiple times).  The beauty of the  RTÉ version is that the readers are all Irish and so the words, especi...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 18th February 2023

My Saturday started in the usual way with shopping.  I had a good chat with one of the women who works on the bread stall.  She has an autistic young son and we often talk about him and life in general. Visiting the 'Bread Girls' stall is often a high spot of my shopping trip. Household chores never end do they? That's enough on that subject.  Despite the above, I managed to read both the Guardian and Times on Saturday (or at least the parts I want to read). Over lunch I finally got around to watching the BBC 1 documentary ' Emily Atack: Asking For It? ', and I am glad I did.  It was eye opening and something I'd like all three of my sons to watch, though I'm fairly sure they are already aware and behave properly. The documentary also features a very brief clip of Q's daughter who filmed something for the programme.  As a complete aside, I was surprised to see Seann Walsh in out. For my 'Ulysses For All' course I am reading episode 3, 'Proteu...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 17th February 2023

After the excitement of the last three days, today is looking likely to be very ordinary.  It'll be work all day today. Mid-afternoon someone came to the door who is working in the area cleaning house roofs.  As a general rule I don't buy anything at the front door, on principle.  They did a free demo on part of our roof. It did look good.  When he said how much, I said no way, I've spent money on painting.  He was very persistent and said how much would you pay for it, so I suggested less than half what he had proposed as his special offer price.  He suggested a slightly higher amount and - I don't know what came over me but I said yes.  It's odd. A few months ago I'd been looking at the roof and thinking, 'I wish I could get rid of all that moss'. Well, now I have.  Not only that but they have allegedly sprayed some sealant/anti-moss treatment on the roof, so it may stay clean for a few weeks at least. There is one catch. They want a sign by the...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 16th February 2023

Today is the big day (well, perhaps I exaggerate? I have been accused of being overly dramatic already today), as I have my 360-degree health check this morning.  It scheduled to last three hours, and it's started already as I'm not allowed to eat until they've taken my blood.  Water is all I can have. It's worse than prison. At least you get bread as well. (Ooops! Dramatic mode has been turned on again, in error.) It turns out that not eating for a few hours and drinking only water is not that bad after all, as has already been suggested. The appointed hour is here.  Time to drive to the appointment. I'm back and ready for lunch. How did it go? I think the main message I took away is that I need to exercise more, eat less and get up from my desk more frequently.  In essence I need to lose weight. I also have wax in my ears that needs removing - time for Earol! Pardon? I won't get the full results from the health check for 10 days, as some tests take longer, but...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 15th February 2023

Today's disruptions will come in the form of the decorator (last day), British Gas coming to do their annual service and possibly me sorting out details for my health check tomorrow. Otherwise, it's down to work and focus until the doorbell rings. Despite the interruptions, I've managed to get a lot of work done and now the en-suite is decorated and looking good, the best it ever has since it was built. Work is followed by 'Ulysses for All', due to run from 6 until 8 and discussing episodes 2 and 5 ('Nestor' and 'Lotus Eaters').  Looking forward to it, especially discussing 'Lotus Eaters'. Just before I talk about an aspect of 'Lotus Eaters' that I especially liked, a friend delivered some medication that E needs.  We seem to run out of some things so fast.  Thanks again to our friend, this help makes life easier and ensures E stays safe. Today's discussion is over, and we've ranged far and wide on subjects like Marxism, Colon...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - St. Valentine's Day (Tuesday 14th February 2023)

Apart from it being Valentine's Day, today is also the day that a man is coming to finish off our en-suite by painting it.  He's expecting to finish tomorrow, which would be good.  It's only been need of decorating for hmhrmrmmrhm years, but it's now happening. Of course, it is Valentine's Day, and mine started with a call to Q during which we opened cards and presents.  She doesn't know there's another card and present on its way 😊 A great way to start the day. At around 8:30 a.m. the decorator turned up and set about preparing the surfaces and filling holes. I'm working today so that's the main theme, despite the day/date. As the morning carers finished with E, I opened her Valentine's card and read it to her.  It's now visible to her.  Unfortunately, the roses I ordered aren't due to arrive until later, but she probably won't notice. The decorator's finished for the day and the room is looking good, and it still needs another ...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 13th February 2023

A busy Monday ahead with a mix of chores, admin, work (on my non-working day 😇😕), course reading and TV watching. Chores are underway and a couple of vital (hush, hush things) are done. I'm finally going to sit down and watch the last one and a half episodes of 'Happy Valley'. A brief interruption when the carers make their lunchtime call, but now I've finished 'Happy Valley'.  It was a really good series with a dramatic and thought-provoking ending. To ensure that I've read episodes 2 and 5 of 'Ulysses' in time for Wednesday's seminar/discussion, I'm reading them next.  It should also give me time to research things that need it (famous last words!) Filing. That's another thing I need to do today.  So much paperwork arrives regarding E's care and supplies that no matter how much I tell myself I'll deal with it as it arrives, I don't.  It would be a good habit to develop. The good thing about filing is that I can listen to t...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 12th February 2023

A week passes so quickly, especially when you are enjoying yourself, and I certainly have.  It's been a great week in the 'pool, but I must return to life thread two.  Respite over for a little while. We have a delicious cooked breakfast together, capped off with a slice of toast and marmalade.  I'm largely packed now and just need to get the car loaded. Just before midday I bid my farewells and fly south. Home again, home again, jiggity-jig.   After unpacking, mode B washes over me and I'm back in the zone. I make dinner and prepare to eat while watching TV (a bad habit, but, so what!) Son #1, his gf and I watch the final episode of 'Everyone Else Burns' followed by the penultimate episode of 'Am I Being Unreasonable?' Off to bed for a chat with Q, via an electronic medium again. 😔 Blue Öyster Cult / 'The Revenge Of Vera Gemini' / 'Agents Of Fortune' [[Probably the best track from the album, with lyrics co-written with Patti Smith, who ...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 11th February 2023

Slow Saturday.  Q and I have a late breakfast of Danish pastries whilst her daughter is getting her hair cut. We're planning an outing for the day, once we're all ready to go out. A decision has been made. We're heading for the Anthony Gormley exhibit, 'Another Place' on Crosby beach.  On arrival, as it's well after lunchtime, the consensus is it's time for lunch and we should head for a pub. Q suggested a pub called 'The Pheasant', which is a short drive away. Unexpectedly, or perhaps given the number of years since passed, it turns out I have been there before with E, her mum and a cast of other son different occasions.  Many places I drove through brought back memories, quite strange. The food at 'The Pheasant' was good but slow to arrive. After a two-course lunch we headed back to the beach, and now the tide is out and still receding.  I've wanted to see 'Another Place' for a long while, so it was great to finally do so.  In t...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 10th February 2023

Another working day, with the joyful interruption of a lunchtime coffee on campus with Q.  After a relaxing coffee I headed home and heated up leftover curry for lunch.  YYPB! Back to work which ended with me completing a couple of sustainability courses that I am required to complete. There's also a multiple-choice certification to complete.  I need to get 80% but only manage to get 70%, so decide to retake it next week.  Different questions, but I'll get there.  It's the weekend now so, I'm stopping. Q and I sit and watch the third episode of the final series of 'Happy Valley', and then we start to make dinner.  Now I can find time to send an email to the 'Ulysses For All 2023 (UFA 2023)' reading group sharing a link to Aleister Crowley's review of 'Ulysses' from way back when.  We eat dinner together before returning to the lounge to watch a couple of episodes of 'Bad Sisters'. More Dublin! I just can't get enough. It's be...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 9th February 2023

A busy working day ahead from the usual 9 am project huddle, to the late morning design authority, by way of the Connected Manager training course. Tempus fugit. The working day is over: Q returned from work before I'd finished working, and soon it will be time for The Idler Drinks. Tonight's guest is Kojo Koram  (Senior Lecturer in Law, Birkbeck College) talking about what happened when the British Empire collapsed.  His focus was on the economic exploitation of former colonies after they gained independence. The consequences of this exploitation are being felt in the UK today as the companies in question do the same to UK citizens as they did to those of the former colonies. I need to learn and understand in more detail. Unusually, I didn't stay for the after-drinks chat, mainly because dinner was ready and I'm in a different social environment. After dinner, we watched an episode of a series called 'Bad Girls', written by and starring Sharon Horgan.  It'...

Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 8th February 2023

Work again today, with back-to-back meetings until midday. Should be fun (?), though I think I'll probably need a comfort break. Q can't make it home for lunch today and so I have a leftover lasagne lunch. Lovely. Work leads directly to this evening's course, the first 'proper' session of 'Ulysses For All 2023', which focuses on episodes 1 and 4.  The guest speaker tonight is  Enrico Terrinoni who is a professor at the University of Rome and a noted Joyce expert. His discussion covered quantum physics, the occult, multiple beginnings and Aleister Crowley, to name but a few things.  Despite having read the novel multiple times, I am clearly going to learn a lot and gain new understandings and perspectives on the book.  Enrico has published a book on 'Ulysses' called ' Occult Joyce: The Hidden in Ulysses ', something I'm going to have to investigate. The only downside to the course was that it was beset by technical difficulties, primarily...