Love, Poetry and Revolution - Tuesday 21st February 2023

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it's back to work I go...which probably means this post will be a little short, but hopefully not sleepy or dopey and definitely not grumpy.

I started the day with some exercises: weights, standing on one leg and press-ups (solo variety). This is part of my weight-loss and exercise programme.  Not only that I plan to carve out time to walk today - hoping to hit thirty minutes of brisk walking.

After lunchtime meditation, and before eating, I went for a walk. My walk was around sixteen minutes, and so if I manage to repeat it before it gets dark, I'll exceed my target.

Yesterday, I wrote that after I finish reading 'Edge Of The Orison' I shall probably read Miki Berenyi's autobiography. I was wrong. This won't happen. As always, I have multiple books on the go, and I will finish 'Faith, Hope and Carnage' by Nick Cave and Sean O'Hagan, before I  read Miki's autobiography.  I do have several novels on the go, however I do baulk at reading two novels at the same time, so until 'Ulysses For All' is finished and I have read it again, I'll not read or start another novel.

Apparently it's Shrove Tuesday today and I forgot this fact. Thankfully, son #1 and his gf have gone to the shops to buy the necessary. Good job pancakes don't require tomatoes. Bloody Brexit.

Q has kindly offered to have a chat with son #1 about his university studies, a video call which lasts best part of an hour.  Q can have conversations with son #1 that I can't so easily have.

Thinking the unthinkable.

I make the dinner and three of us watch a couple of WILTYs together, on the basis they are short and don't require us to start watching something we'll take 3 months to be in the same place to complete.

After watching TV, I have a call with Q and catch up on the latest news, whilst at around 9pm (😲) son #1 and his gf start making pancakes. After my extended chat with Q, I come down to find the first of two delicious pancakes waiting for me, which I eat with freshly-squeezed lemon juice and caster sugar. YYPB! They were very good and tasted even better as someone else made them for me.

I did a bit of sorting out as digestion began and then headed for bed.

Avalon Emerson / 'Sandrail Silhouette' / (Single)



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