Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 5th February 2023

Much later start today, thankfully, but still up and about at around 9am.  Lots to do today, as always.

Amongst the usual chores, I have to find a few hours to finish the final part of the 'Connected Manager' training course I've been doing.  The final sections are on coaching and networking. At points on the course it has caused me to smile wryly, this has come a bit late in my career.  Should have done it ten to fifteen years ago and then it could have made a real difference to my career, though in some ways I wasn't me then, so maybe not. A lot of the course content is applicable to life in general, outside work, which is the good part.  I always prefer life skills courses to technical ones.

Although I did manage to read most of today's paper (more on that in a bit, maybe), the course took three to four hours to finish and so I decided that what I needed was to listen to music, on the HiFi, loud.

Initially I started listening to some recent acquisitions, beginning with the re-master of The Cosmic Jokers first album. Wow! It does sound better, even more trippy and psychedelic, if that's possible.  After that Thus Love, Leftfield and Jockstrap, at which point I thought 'I really need to listen to some favourites'.  A parade of varied tunes ensued: 'Roygbiv'; 'Drunken Butterfly'; 'Halogen (I Could Be A Shadow)'; 'Wailing Wall'; 'Fade Away'; 'Run'; 'My Cherie Amour'; 'Promise You Can't Keep'...the list goes on.

I did get carried away by the music, being tipped over the edge by 'Inspector Norse'.  I defy anyone not to dance to that!

Unfortunately my music trip meant that I started making dinner later than planned, though I did move the music into the kitchen to accompany my efforts.  It's just not the same on the speaker in the kitchen though.

Son #1 and I ate the world's most expensive tuna (hyperbole, or is it?) whilst watching another episode of 'Am I Being Unreasonable?', which just gets better with each episode.  Afterwards we discussed his plan and agreed how to approach it.

After which I headed for bed and 'Calypso'.  I read an article in the today's paper about ChatGPT, and I am worried and concerned by the implications of it. I chatted with Q about it as it's quite a big deal and threatens to undermine all learning and qualifications. More thought and investigation required.

Stevie Wonder / 'My Cherie Amour' / (Single, but no doubt on a few albums!)

[[Perhaps the greatest pop song, ever. Certainly one of the best vocal performances.  I love this song and I always have. Takes me back to Southsea, aged 10 or 11, and being smitten. (Not by a kitten)]]


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