Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 17th February 2023

After the excitement of the last three days, today is looking likely to be very ordinary.  It'll be work all day today.

Mid-afternoon someone came to the door who is working in the area cleaning house roofs.  As a general rule I don't buy anything at the front door, on principle.  They did a free demo on part of our roof. It did look good.  When he said how much, I said no way, I've spent money on painting.  He was very persistent and said how much would you pay for it, so I suggested less than half what he had proposed as his special offer price.  He suggested a slightly higher amount and - I don't know what came over me but I said yes.  It's odd. A few months ago I'd been looking at the roof and thinking, 'I wish I could get rid of all that moss'. Well, now I have.  Not only that but they have allegedly sprayed some sealant/anti-moss treatment on the roof, so it may stay clean for a few weeks at least. There is one catch. They want a sign by the side of the road.  I guess it's a small price to pay.

The roof cleaning was very noisy and very messy, but they did clear up afterwards, which is something.

I'm still wondering if I made a good decision.  It does look good though. I will probably get every door-to-door caller for the next few months now.

Ripples in the time/space continuum.

I made dinner and ate with son #1 and his gf. We watched a comedy set by Jason Manford. I wasn't that impressed, to be honest, most of it was uninspired and dull. Every mainstream comedian seems to be doing a routine about the pandemic.  It's getting boring (they all say things along the same lines) and I'd rather forget most of it. Only one good thing came out of the end of it, apart from the end of it (not that it's really ended or ever will, probably).

Tonight Q and I spoke very early, before I'd eaten dinner, as she's very tired and already in bed.

I'm also heading for bed now, mind very active for some reason.

Charli XCX / 'SuperLove' / (Single)



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