Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 20th February 2023

'Anything can happen in the next half hour'  (Stingray, if you're wondering)

After hearing The Auteurs on the radio and looking at the just-released box set of all their albums, instead of just buying it, I remember that somewhere I have a 3CD set called 'Luke Haines Is Dead' which contains a lot of Auteurs songs, a few solo ones and some other tracks he released under the band name Baader Meinhof.  I know what it looks like, I know it's in an old-style 3CD case, but can I find it? Can I fuck!

Eventually, after going through the shelves multiple times, looking to see if I've mis-filed it, I come upon it amongst the ever growing unfiled pile. I've found it and it does contain what I'm looking for (not U2).

Change of plans for the morning, and once I'm organised I return to 'Ulysses', deepening my knowledge and digging out my copy of the first hand-written draft of the episode we're currently reading.

Ahead of Wednesday evening's discussion of 'Proteus' I shared this page with the rest of the group.

There is more to life than James Joyce, (yes, I know, I said it), and so switch back to reading more of 'Edge Of The Orison' as I'm close to finishing it.  Once I've finished it, I'm going to read a few music books as a contrast with the avenues 'Ulysses' is sending me down, probably starting with Miki Berenyi's autobiography.

After lunch I head for the shops to buy some dinner for me (a ready-meal as I'm going to a pub quiz with friends tonight) and a cucumber. 

Home now, but sans cucumber.  The shelves were bare. Almost no salad vegetables (no tomatoes either) whatsoever. I went to the Asian superstore and they didn't have any either.  Instead I bought a pot of 'Cock Flavoured Seasoning', primarily for the fun of it. Yes, it is tragically sad that I find it amusing, but I do and if that bothers you...well. No more to be said.

There's been a change of plans and we're now going to eat at the bar ahead of the quiz.

Time to walk to the bar.

That was fun!  Our team grew from three to five and had a great time.  I think the thing that exercised our brains the most was coming up with a team name.  We did OK but were 16 points short of the prize, not least because the wipe-out round wiped out four or five points.  No matter, it was great fun and full of laughs. We'll have to do it again as it's a regular Monday night thing. I still have no idea who Joe Manganiello is and couldn't identify him in an identity parade. One of our team kindly gave us all a lift home, which did mean I didn't quite hit my exercise target, but it was very welcome. Most important of all, I did manage to speak to Q before she slept.

Gorillaz / 'Silent Running' / 'Cracker Island' (Forthcoming)

[[I love this!]]


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